[1644/1/84]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The convention of estates, considering the course taken by the committee in sending two of the regiments that come out of Ireland to the south and one to the north, appoint [Archibald Campbell, marquis of] Argyll, [John Kennedy, earl of] Cassilis, [John Maitland, earl of] Lauderdale, [John Sinclair, lord] Sinclair and [Robert Balfour, lord Balfour of] Burleigh, [Sir Patrick Hepburn of] Waughton, [George Dundas of] Dundas, Sir William Scott [of Harden], Sir Thomas Kerr [of Cavers], the commissioners [Sir John Smith of Grotehill and Thomas Paterson for] Edinburgh, [James Bell for] Glasgow, [Robert Davidson for] Dundee and [George Gardyne for] Burntisland to be a committee to consider on the commission, instructions and other directions necessary for the expedition to the north and on the power of a committee to be sent there, and how the peace of the borders may be secured, and to report.