[1644/1/73]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Forasmuch as George Porterfield, merchant in Glasgow, has in April and May 1643 sold and delivered to General Major Munro for the use of the Scottish army in Ireland 847 barrels of wheat at 34s 6d sterling each boll, amounting the sum to £1,460 11s 6d sterling; as also clothes and shoes amounting to £575 11s 6d sterling, which sums, with three quarters annualrent from the time aforesaid until Candlemas [2 February] next, extends to £2,147 13s sterling, as the certificate under the hand of General Major Munro and William Thomson, commissary of the said army, and shown to the estates more fully purports. And the estates, finding it most just and reasonable that timely and thankful payment be made to the said George of the said sum out of the arrears due by the kingdom of England to that army or any other monies lifted for the use of the said army, do therefore declare that the same, with the annualrent thereof during the non-payment, shall remain and be a debt and burden to be paid of the first of the arrears that shall come for that army. But in case the said George shall not get payment that way, then and in that case the said estates declare that he, or any having his warrant assigning them or their committees to the said sums and arrears due thereof, that they and this kingdom shall be full debtors to him thereof, and accordingly give warrant and command to the general collector of the loan and his deputes to pay and deliver to the said George Porterfield, or any having his warrant, the said sum of £2,147 13s sterling out of the first and readiest of the loan not already disposed on by public warrant, they always receiving assignation to the same and arrears due thereof as said is, for the which this act shall be their warrant.