[1644/1/39]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The convention, having heard that by some difference in the shire of Fife between the barons and burghs anent the putting out of their horse, there is yet 21 horsemen not yet put out; and the convention, being careful to shun all occasion of difference between them at this time, have thought fit for the interim until it be decided who ought to bring out their men that the charge of levying the 21 horsemen be laid upon [Alexander Lindsay], lord Balcarres, and for that effect, and in respect of the shortness of time, ordain the collector of the shire of Fife to deliver to the Lord Balcarres, or any having his warrant, the sum of 200 merks Scots for levy money of every one of these horse out of the first end of the loan; and in the meantime, that the Lord Balcarres bring to the rendezvous the rest of the horse that are in readiness.