Edinburgh, 8 January 1644

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Warrant: to the lord general concerning the army
Warrant to [Alexander Leslie, earl of Leven, lord] general to go to the army

The convention of estates think fit and accordingly recommend to the lord general and committee that goes with the army to proceed with all possible speed to the borders and to take such course for disposal of the army in whole or in part as they shall think fit for the good thereof and peace of this kingdom and in prosecution of the treaty between the kingdoms; and in the meantime, until the committee go there, recommend the care hereof to the lord general, his excellency.

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Committee Members: committee to provide victual for the army
Committee to provide victual for the army

The which day Sir Adam Hepburn of Humbie, treasurer of the army, declared in presence of the estates that in the charge committed to him for providing for the army, his care had still been for keeping this kingdom from an artificial dearth and that he might provide victual at the cheapest rates he could. But now finding that there is not sufficient provision already made and that he cannot find victual except at extraordinary prices, did therefore desire that some persons might be adjoined with him to think upon the best ways how the army may be provided with victual and what shall be the proportion and prices thereof. Which desire being considered by the estates, they do adjoin [George Forrester], lord Forrester, [Patrick Murray, lord] Elibank, [Sir Patrick Hepburn of] Waughton, [Sir Michael Balfour of] Denmilne, [Thomas Crombie of] Kemnay and P[...] of Harden to meet with him and consult and set down the best way for the particulars above-written.

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Procedure: appointment of advocates
Advocates and agents for the state

The which day the convention of estates admitted Mr Thomas Nicolson to be ordinary procurator for the estates and Mr Robert Dalgleish to be agent; and when they shall have occasion of consultations, they think fit that [Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall], lord advocate, Sir Thomas Nicolson, Mr James Baird, Mr Roger Mowat [of Drumbreck], Alexander Pearson and Mr Andrew Kerr be employed in that place.

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Procedure: commission to Colonel James Lindsay of Belstanes
[Colonel James Lindsay of] Belstanes, governor of Berwick

The convention of estates nominate and appoint Colonel James Lindsay of Belstanes to be governor of Berwick, and recommend to the committee of estates that goes with the army to think upon and set down the particular way and condition for which he shall be employed in that service.

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Procedure: commission to Job Ward
Commission to Job Ward to be colonel

Forasmuch as Job Ward, esquire, in the county of Wicklow in Ireland has been a humble suitor that he may have liberty upon his own expense to levy a regiment of foot to be employed in the public service of this kingdom, and the estates presently convened, considering that the said regiment being uplifted may be useful to this kingdom in the present expedition, did therefore appoint the said Job Ward to be colonel of the same, giving, granting and committing to him the said place and office with the privileges belonging thereto; with power to him and his officers to levy the said regiment (consisting of 10 companies and each company of 120 soldiers) wherever he may conveniently have the same, and for this effect to beat drums, display colours, appoint his under-officers and to do everything else towards the uplifting, leading, conducting and governing of the said regiment which are requisite and according to the articles of military discipline and direction of [Alexander Leslie, earl of Leven], lord general, his excellency; commanding magistrates to assist him in the execution hereof as they will be answerable.

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