[1643/6/85]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Articles of capitulation and agreement between the convention of the estates of this kingdom and John, lord Sinclair
In the first place, the said estates have nominated and appointed the said Lord Sinclair to be colonel of the five companies of footmen to be levied in this kingdom, and to be captain of one of the said companies, his lieutenant colonel to be captain of another of the said companies, and another three captains to be nominated and appointed over the other three companies, and every one of the aforesaid five companies to consist of the number of 120 soldiers; with power to the said colonel to nominate and appoint a quartermaster, a surgeon and a perforce† to the said regiment; as also the whole under-officers of his own company; and with power also to the said lieutenant colonel and three captains, with consent of the aforesaid colonels, to appoint the under-officers of their several companies for whom they shall be answerable. And the said estates appoint and ordain the pay of the said colonel, lieutenant colonel, three captains and inferior officers and soldiers to be as follows, namely: the said colonel's pay to be £333 6s 8d; the lieutenant colonel's pay to be £200; the pay of every one of the three captains to be £100 monthly; the pay of the quartermaster of the five companies to be £45 monthly; the pay of the surgeon of the said companies to be monthly £45; the pay of the perforce to be monthly £18; the pay of the lieutenant of every one of the said companies to be £45 monthly; the pay of ensign for every one of the said companies to be monthly £36; the pay of two sergeants for every company to be for each sergeant £15 monthly; the pay of three corporals for each company to be for every corporal £12 monthly; the pay of a scrivener to each company to be £15 monthly; the pay of a drummer to each company to be £12 monthly; the pay of a piper to each company to be £12 monthly and the pay of every one of the soldiers of the said companies consisting of the number aforesaid to be 6d per day. With power also to the said Lord Sinclair to levy, take up and bring together the aforesaid five companies, and officers and soldiers aforesaid shall be paid at the rate and proportion above-written by the said estates for five months at least, and longer until they be discharged by the said estates or committees having power from them. And the said estates ordain the sum of £3 presently to be given to the said colonel for every soldier of the said five companies consisting of the number aforesaid for the levying and bringing them together; and in the same manner the said estates ordain the pay of the said colonel, lieutenant colonel and three captains to begin from the date of this commission, and the under-officers of the regiment and companies to begin at the time of their enrolment, and every one of the foot soldiers, their pay to begin at the time of their rendezvous after-specified.
And on the other part, the said Lord Sinclair (and the marquis of Argyll, cautioner for him) do hereby oblige themselves under the pain of 5,000 merks with all diligence to levy, bring together and muster the aforesaid five companies consisting of the number aforesaid, every one of them having a sword, and all the other under-officers before mentioned upon the links of Leith before such persons as the estate or others having warrant from them shall appoint upon 16 September next. At which time the said estates declare they will provide them with armour, namely: pikes, muskets, drums, colours and all other necessaries. And in the same manner, the said estates declare that if at any time after the said 16 September next the said Lord Sinclair, his lieutenant colonel or any of his three captains shall bring together 60 or more of any of their companies, that the estates will take them off their hands and give order for payment thereof until the said 16 September, at which time they are to enter upon their ordinary pay. And the estates declare that the commanders of the three troops of horse shall receive orders from the said Lord Sinclair upon any occasion they shall be quartered together, and the said Lord Sinclair and his said cautioner for him are hereby obliged under the pain aforesaid to comply with and obey all such orders as he shall from time to time receive from the convention of estates, or any having power from them, and keep good order and discipline when they are in their quarters or upon service, and in everything shall behave themselves as faithful and resolute soldiers.