[1643/6/83]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Articles of capitulation and agreement between the convention of the estates of the kingdom and Sir John Brown of Fordell, knight, Thomas Craig of Riccarton and William Stewart.
In the first place, the said estates have nominated and appointed the said Sir John Brown to be major of three troops of horse to be levied and to be rutmasters of one of the said troops, and the said Thomas Craig of Riccarton and William Stewart to be rutmasters of the other two troops, with power to them to appoint their under-officers of their own troops themselves, for whom they shall be answerable, and to levy and uplift the troopers thereof to the number of 60 troopers in each troop beside the officers. And the said estates appoint and ordain the pay of the said major, rutmasters, their under-officers and troopers to be as follows, namely: the said Sir John Brown's own pay to be monthly £200 as major and rutmaster; and the pay of the said Thomas Craig and Stewart to be each of them monthly £150; the pay of the lieutenant of each troop to be £67 10s monthly; the cornet's pay of each troop to be £54 monthly; the quartermaster's pay of each troop to be £45 monthly; the trumpeter's pay of each troop to be £30 monthly; the pay of two corporals for each troop to be for each corporal £36 monthly; and because the frequent watching the said troops will be put to require more corporals, the estates have allowed two of every troop, whom the captain shall nominate, the sum of £9 more monthly than his ordinary pay to make up the pay of a corporal, and they to supply the place of a third corporal in each troop; the smith of each troop, his pay to be £27 monthly; and the pay of every trooper of the said 60 troopers in each troop, £27 monthly; and the said estates ordain the said major and two rutmasters to have presently paid to each of them at the delivery of this their commission 40s sterling for every one of their troopers aforesaid in satisfaction of their levy money and equipment of horse and arms, and the said major and rutmaster to have a month's pay advanced at the time of their enrolment, which troops, officers and troopers thereof shall be paid at the rate and proportion above-written during their employment and service which shall be at least for five months after their rendezvous after-specified and thereafter until they be discharged by the said estates or any having power from them; and on the other part, the said Sir John Brown (and [Alexander Lindsay], lord Balcarres, cautioner for him), and the said Thomas Craig of Riccarton (and Sir Archibald Johnston of Wariston as cautioner for him), and the said William Stewart (and [Archibald Campbell], marquis of Argyll as cautioner for him) do hereby bind and oblige themselves with all diligence under the pain of 5,000 merks to levy and uplift their troops, consisting of the officers and troopers aforesaid sufficiently provided with able horse and men, with arms and equipment fit for service, namely: with pistols of a large bore, steel caps and broadswords and all other equipment necessary for troopers to be equipped upon their own charges, and the whole troop to be levied completed between now and 13 September next, at which time they shall make their rendezvous upon the links of Leith before such person or persons as the convention shall appoint. At which rendezvous, the estates have allowed to the said rutmasters for every trooper that they shall muster, provided in manner aforesaid, the sum of 20s sterling over and above the sum of 40s allowed for levy money and all other charges; which sum of 20s sterling for every trooper the said rutmasters and their cautioners are obliged to pay to the said estates or such as shall be appointed by them at the dismissing of the said troops; and in the same manner at the aforesaid rendezvous there shall be paid to the said troopers a month's pay in advance. And the said rutmasters and their cautioners are obliged under the pain aforesaid to obey all such orders and directions as they shall from time to time receive from the said convention or any having power and warrant from them, and that they shall keep good order and discipline when they lie in their quarters and be upon service or other employment, and shall behave themselves in all expeditions as resolute and faithful soldiers.