Act in favour of John Forrest

Anent the supplication presented to the convention of estates by John Forrest, bowmaker, burgess of Edinburgh, making mention that where, by order from the committee appointed for equipping ships for securing of the coast, he has made 15 dozen half pikes for the use of the said ships, and he has also 1,000 pikes, which, by warrant, he also made for the use of the public and all are lying on his hand to his great prejudice; and whereas he is but a mean servant and has been very serviceable to the country the time of the troubles, humbly therefore desiring that order may be given for taking of these pikes off his hands and ready payment thereof, likewise as at more length is contained in the said supplication. Which being read and considered by the said estates, and they finding the desire thereof to be reasonable, the estates ordain the supplicant's pikes and half pikes above-written to be taken off his hands and put in the public magazine by the general of the artillery, and recommend to the commissioners for the common burdens to see him timely paid for the same as shall be agreed by the general of the artillery.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.90v-91r. Back