Act against [Robert Dalzell], earl of Carnwath

Forasmuch as Robert, earl of Carnwath is orderly denounced rebel and put to the horn for not making payment to John Jossie, in name of the estates of this kingdom, of the sum of £10,000 as a fine imposed upon him for his not entering his person in ward, according to the charge given to him for that effect, at the process of which horning he yet remains unrelaxed, taking no regard thereof, but has the whole benefit of his land and rents as if neither law nor justice were able to overtake him, in high and proud contempt of his majesty's authority. For remedy thereof, the estates have hereby ordained and ordain that the first troops of horse or foot soldiers that shall be levied within this kingdom do proceed forthwith after the first rendezvous to the said earl's dwelling houses and lands, take possession thereof, intromit with the mail and duties of the same, take their own maintenance thereof, being employed for the use of the public, until he makes payment of the said fine; and the estates declare that whatsoever sums of money or victual shall be taken from or paid by the tenants or others dwelling on the lands to and for the use of the said soldiers, that the same is hereby allowed in part payment of the said earl's rent, and do free the tenants and others aforesaid of the same and all further payment thereof. And it is further declared that whatsoever shall be taken up by this way is without prejudice of the payment of the £10,000 aforesaid.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.90r. Back