[1643/6/64]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day the lords and commissioners of estates presently convened, having read and considered Mr Robert Farquhar [of Mounie] and James Stewart's account allowed underwritten, perused by order from the said estates by Robert [Balfour], lord [Balfour of] Burleigh, Sir Alexander Shaw of Sauchie and William Thomson, they allow of the said account and ordain the same to be inserted and registered in the books of convention, of the which the tenor follows:
Mr Robert Farquhar and James Stewart's account of meal furnished preceding 11 August 1643 for the use of the Scottish army in Ireland, by contract at the ordinance of the council.
Item, by virtue of a contract made between John [Campbell], earl of Loudoun, lord chancellor of Scotland, and Archibald [Campbell], marquis of Argyll on the one part, and Mr Robert Farquhar and James Stewart, merchants, dated 19 March 1642 for 10,000 bolls of meal at £10 boll is 8,333-06-08
Which was delivered to Alexander Muir, receiver of the victual for the Scottish army at Carrickfergus, according to his receipt dated 25 August 1642, for the which 10,000 bolls we were completely paid by the ordinance of the council at London.
Item, by virtue of the same contract, which bears that what we furnish more to have the similar price and payment 4,644 bolls of meal at £10, whereof we have precept upon my [John Lindsay, earl of] Lindsay or William Thomson, extends in sterling money to 3,870-00-00
More the rent thereof from Martinmas [11 November] 1642 to Martinmas 1643, 310-00-00
Item, to James Stewart by contract in September, 5,000 bolls of meal at £10 the boll, whereof 3,000 bolls payable at Martinmas 1642 and 2,000 bolls at Candlemas [2 February] 1643, 200-00-00
More the annualrent of 2,000 bolls from Candlemas 1643 to Martinmas 1643, 100-00-00
Item, 1,000 bolls by land by act of council in December 1642 at £10 the boll is 833-06-08
Item, by virtue of the same act allowed James Stewart by the council on the preceding 6,000 bolls, 500-00-00
Item, the rent of this 1,000 bolls and the rent of the £500 from Candlemas to Martinmas 1643, 80-00-00
Item, by contract in April 1643, 3,000 bolls, whereof half paid in hand at 17 merks the boll, the other half at Whitsunday [21 May] 1643 extends to 1,416-13-04
Item, the annualrent thereof to Martinmas 1643, 56-13-04
Item, for my part of 6,000 bolls of meal undertaken to be sent by land in July 1643, whereof my part, 1,500 bolls at £13 6s 8d the boll payable at Martinmas 1643 is 1,666-13-04
All this meal instructed by Alexander Muir's receipts, except the last article which is on the public's hazard in all adventures, except deficiency of measuring when it comes in good condition to the port of Carrickfergus.
The just sum indebted to James Stewart, according to the account above-written, payable at Martinmas next in this instant year of God 1643 extends to £13,200 sterling
At Edinburgh, 11 August 1643
By virtue of an ordinance and warrant from the lords and others of the convention of estates of the date 10 August, we under-subscribing have perused the account above-written and have found the same justly calculated and the particular articles thereof rightly instructed by Alexander Muir's receipts and warrants from the lords of council; the said James being always liable to subtract out of the said sum such monies as William Thomson or any other commissaries of the army have paid for transporting the said victuals to Ireland; and being liable to report sufficient receipts from the said Alexander Muir or any other receivers of the same victuals for the number of bolls of meal further bargained for, being 1,500 bolls, which are presently to be sent upon the public hazard according to the tenor of the former contracts made with him. Signed thus, J. Burleigh; Alexander Shaw; William Thomson