[1643/6/59]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Most sacred sovereign,
Your majesty being hitherto by several letters of 29 June, 8 and 29 July fully acquainted with the proceedings of this meeting of your estates, and there being now some persons come to them from both houses of your parliament of England, they resolve according to their duty to give your majesty notice thereof, as will more fully appear to your majesty by their enclosed copies of the papers given in by them, which, by their warrant and command, I do humbly present to your majesty. And as they do intend from time to time to render your majesty a true account of their proceedings, so shall I never be wanting to contribute my best endeavours for the good of your majesty's service, and to acquit myself with that fidelity which becomes your majesty's most humble and faithful subject and servant. [John Campbell, earl of] Loudoun, chancellor. In presence of the convention.
[1643/6/60]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day certain of the commissioners appointed by order of his majesty and the estates of the late parliament for repressing of the disorders in the highlands for the five sheriffdoms on the south parts of the kingdom, having represented to the convention of the estates that there was a justice court appointed to be kept upon 15 August at Stirling, and that various of the said commissioners were members of the convention and general assembly, and in that regard could not attend the said justice court, and therefore desired the same to be continued to some competent day. The said estates, having taken this desire into their consideration and finding the same reasonable, they have therefore continued and by this act continue the said justice court to 19 September next, and ordain letters to be directed to make publication hereof by open proclamation at all places needful, through which none pretend ignorance of the same, and to warn all parties having interest to attend upon the said 19 September with the appropriate intimation.
[1643/6/61]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The estates give hereby commission to John [Lindsay], earl of Lindsay, John [Elphinstone], lord Balmerino, Sir Thomas Hope of Kerse, Sir Archibald Johnston of Wariston, Sir John Smith [of Grotehill] and Mr Robert Barclay, or any four of them, there being one of every estate, to meet with [John Manners], earl of Rutland, Sir William Armine, Sir Harry Vane, Thomas Hatcher and Henry Darnley, commissioners sent from both houses of the parliament of England, or any three of them, and to receive from them all such papers and demands as they shall present to them for settling all matters of debt and accounts in which the kingdom of England stands engaged to this kingdom, or any other thing which does concern the good of both kingdoms; and to treat and consult with them relating thereto, and to report the same to the estates before they conclude any thing in that particular matter.