[1643/6/57]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
That he, and all such persons as he is obliged to answer by the act of parliament and general bond, shall keep his majesty's peace, observe good rule and quietness in the country with all his majesty's subjects, according to the laws of the kingdom, and shall do nor attempt nothing directly nor indirectly which may tend to the trouble of the peace thereof, but shall comply with and obey all such acts and statutes that will or shall be appointed by the public judicatories of this kingdom for that end, and from time to time shall be answerable to justice as they shall be required; and that they shall not publicly nor privately, directly nor indirectly, attempt any thing prejudicial to the true religion presently professed within this kingdom, nor harbour, supply nor intercommune with Jesuits, seminary priests nor excommunicated papists under the pain of [...].