[1643/6/48]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Forasmuch as [John Campbell, earl of Loudoun], lord chancellor, has represented to the convention of estates the present condition of the annuities and craved their advice touching his future carriage in the uplifting and disposing of the same, according to the commission granted to him under the great seal, and the same being remitted to the consideration of the several estates, they thought fit that a committee should be appointed for that effect, and therefore the estates nominate and appoint the earls [Charles Seton, earl of] Dunfermline, [John Maitland, earl of] Lauderdale, [John Lindsay, earl of] Lindsay, [John Elphinstone, lord] Balmerino, the lairds [Sir Robert Spottiswood of] Dunipace, [Sir Robert Grierson of] Lag, [Alexander Brodie of] Brodie and [George Dundas of] Dundas and the commissioners [Sir John Smith of Grotehill and James Dennistoun for] Edinburgh, [George Bell for] Linlithgow, [Patrick Leslie of Iden for] Aberdeen and [Mr Robert Barclay for] Irvine to consider the proposition aforesaid given in by the lord chancellor, and what shall be shown for instructing thereof, and to report what they shall think fit to their judgement to be further done concerning the same.