[1643/6/46]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The estates presently convened, being informed that Colonel David Leslie is come to this kingdom, and that he has behaved himself with great commendation in Germany where he has served this long time past with much honour and success in various employments of great charge and trust, and being very assured and confident of his affection to the true Protestant religion, his majesty's service, the honour and safety of this his native country, and considering that in the time of the apparent troubles and dangers imminent to this kingdom there may be great necessity of such a commander, therefore they find it requisite and expedient that the said David shall stay here for the service of the kingdom, according as occasion shall offer. And to the effect he be not prejudiced by the want of the benefit of his present service abroad, the said estates have appointed and ordained and by the tenor hereof appoint and ordain to him the sum of 9,000 merks Scots money yearly for the space of three years, and longer until the said sum be discharged by the estates; and ordain this sum to be uplifted proportionally out of the shires and burghs and to be paid to the said David by a collector whom the said estates shall nominate to that effect; and that his first term's payment shall begin at Candlemas [2 February] next in respect of his present entrance at this Lammas [1 August], with this declaration always: that if it shall happen the said David to be employed in any service of higher quality than a colonel of horse, this modification shall not prejudice him of the pay due to him in the said employment of higher quality.