Warrant: to the lord general
Warrant to [Alexander Leslie, earl of Leven], lord general, anent [Randall MacDonnell], earl of Antrim

Forasmuch as the estates of this kingdom have received from the speakers of both houses of the parliament of England a letter of the date 27 June last, in which they desire in name of that parliament that the person of the earl of Antrim, who is now apprehended in Ireland, may be sent to them to receive trial and judgement according to the law for his accession to the Irish rebellion; and the estates of this kingdom being careful to do everything which may confirm the amity between the two kingdoms, do therefore give warrant and command to Alexander, earl of Leven, lord general, to deliver the person of the earl of Antrim to such as from the houses of parliament shall have warrant to receive and convoy him to London to receive his trial there, for the which the extract of this act shall be to his excellency the lord general a sufficient warrant. Signed thus,

[John Campbell, earl of] Loudoun, chancellor. In presence of the convention.

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