Edinburgh, 17 July 1643

Declaration: answer to the declaration of the English parliament
Answer of the estates to the declaration of the parliament of England

The noblemen, commissioners of shires and burghs assembled in the convention of estates of the kingdom of Scotland, from their natural affection to their brethren in England, their Christian sympathy of the members of the same body and the apprehension of the similar dangers imminent to themselves and threatening their own religion and peace, are very deeply affected with the sense of the distractions and distresses of the kirk and kingdom of England, and find within their bowels their fellow feelings daily to grow with the increase of the troubles of their brethren, as if they were in a similar manner and measure afflicted themselves; and therefore, as they are assured of the willingness of the honourable houses of parliament in everything to acquit themselves faithfully to this kingdom, so, being unwilling to press them above their power, they have been and are so far from giving place to any misapprehension or sinister construction, that this kingdom has with much patience and love wrestled with many difficulties and undergone greater burdens than they are well able to bear through the want of the arrears due to the army in Ireland, and of the brotherly assistance proceeding from so much affection, with the which they had resolved before the coming of the bearer to direct one from themselves, with full instructions, whom they do now send, hoping by his speedy return to receive timely satisfaction in the particulars committed to his trust; and not doubting but at the coming of the committees from the parliament in Scotland, God will by his wise and gracious providence so direct and assist the joint counsels of both kingdoms in the matter of the declaration sent to the lords of privy council in November last, that the best way may be found for delivering his majesty, the parliament and kingdom of England from their many and grievous sufferings and the kingdom of Scotland from their similar dangers and threats, for rooting out popery and prelacy and suppressing the cursed faction of papists, prelates, malignants and atheists, who, through the working of Satan, are now in a rage, and imagine a vain thing against the Lord and his anointed; and for the peaceable settling of the true religion and kingdom of Christ in this island, to the glory of God, the honour of the king and the peace and liberty of all the people of God, a weight of happiness with which all the sufferings of this present time, although otherwise unsupportable, are not worthy to be compared, and for which the desires and endeavours of this kirk and kingdom are nothing remitted of that which is contained in the former true and large expressions of the several public judicatories of this kirk and kingdom, but do daily, according to the increase of difficulties and hindrances, arise and ascend to a greater height and fervour of zeal, and wait earnestly for the time when by all good means, with common consent, the particular ways may be agreed upon for the accomplishing of so great and good a work by the blessing of God Almighty. It had been impossible for this kingdom to have settled religion and peace without an ecclesiastical assembly, which through the mercy of God did by the reformation of divine worship and the government of the kirk lay the foundation of all the subsequent proceedings; and therefore we cannot but even from our own late experience much approve of the calling of an assembly of some godly and learned of that kirk for consulting about matters of religion, which, being once determined, will no doubt establish and unite the distracted and doubtful minds and hearts of many in the known truth and cause of God, and be a ground work of happy proceedings and many blessings upon the king and all his majesty's realms and dominions, which without it cannot be obtained. In respect of which, if by the sending of some godly and learned from this kirk the so much and so frequently desired unity of religion and uniformity of kirk government according to the word of God shall be at last brought and concluded, we shall think it the strongest bond for uniting and confirming the two nations against all division from within and opposition from without; and therefore have recommended the matter to the commissioners of the general assembly, who will endeavour by their more particular answer to give all possible satisfaction to the honourable houses of parliament.

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  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.53v-54v. Back
  3. ? Definition of this term unknown. Back
  4. NAS. PA8/1, f.55r-56r. Back
  5. DSL gives this as being erroneous for 'coche', defined as a coach. Back
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  8. NAS. PA8/1, f.56v. Back
  9. NAS. PA8/1, f.56v-57r. Back

Edinburgh, 17 July 1643

Procedure: commission and instructions to Mr Robert Meldrum

The estates of the kingdom of Scotland presently convened do hereby give warrant and commission to Mr Robert Meldrum [of Burghlie] to proceed to the city of London, and there to propose to both houses of the parliament, or such as shall be appointed by them, such things as are instructed to him from the said estates; and to use all possible diligence to procure an answer to, according to his instructions on that behalf.

Instructions from the convention of estates to Mr Robert Meldrum

Commission and instructions to Robert Meldrum

You shall proceed to the city of London and represent to both houses of parliament, or to the commissioners who did treat with our commissioners concerning the supply of Ireland, that the convention of the estates of this kingdom, having taken into their consideration the tender sense and compassion of both houses of the wants and extremities of the Scottish army in Ireland, with their earnest desire to give satisfaction by a speedy relief and supply according to the articles of the treaty, and with all the impossibility for them to perform the same by reasons of the great burdens and miseries lying upon that kingdom, as is at length expressed in their papers of 15 and 25 May sent with [John Lindsay], earl of Lindsay, we cannot but with great grief of heart acknowledge and regret these calamities and distresses of that kingdom, and as we wish from our hearts a happy and speedy end thereof, so the pressing necessities of the army in Ireland and difficulties occurring thereupon has constrained them to represent to both houses such things as they find necessary by the said houses to be resolved. You shall represent to both houses that the convention of the estates of this kingdom has long expected committees from them with instructions and power according to the aforesaid papers sent with the earl of Lindsay; and their expectation being until now disappointed and the necessities of that army still growing, which are impossible for them any longer to support, you shall therefore again crave their present resolution and declaration whether they will continue the service of that army or declare they will no longer maintain the same. And if the houses of parliament shall resolve no longer to maintain that army, then you shall desire that due advertisement be made thereof and monies be provided for payment of their arrears and carrying them home according to the articles of the treaty. But if they shall be pleased to continue the service of that army, then shall you demand their resolution in these particulars following, which were formerly entrusted from the council to the earl of Lindsay, and by him offered to those who treated with him, and whereof some are absolutely necessary for the subsistence of that army and agreed upon in the treaty, and others are very necessary and convenient for the good and better prosecuting of the service. Whereas the army has not been monthly paid according to the agreement, as may appear by the great increase of arrears in the commissary's accounts; and seeing in that desolate land nothing is to be got upon credit and the provisions coming there exchanges the prices of food provisions, so as their pay, although duly paid, would scarce maintain them, and merchants will not hazard their goods to these places where they will be taken from them by force by reason of the necessity of the soldiers, you shall therefore desire that the army be satisfied of their arrears, and thereafter that monthly payment be duly made for encouragement of the officers and soldiers in their service according to the treaty. The provision of victuals for the Scottish army in garrisons or expeditions abroad, and the providing of Carrickfergus and Boyne with magazines of victual in due time, according to the treaty, would have been a great help to the service: the neglect whereof has been the chief cause of the unparalleled miseries which the army has sustained. As also the not providing of the Newry, Mountjoy and Londonderry with provisions and magazines has been the cause of the loss of many occasions of service against the enemy. Indeed, the army would had perished long ago if it had not been furnished at several times from this kingdom in their necessity. So, over and above the sums due to the merchants, furnishers of the victual, the hazard and charges of convoy lies upon this country, which has been very great, in regard that, according to the treaty, ships have not constantly waited there for these ends. You shall therefore desire that six months' provision be laid in store in the places aforesaid, and competent allowance granted for the charges this kingdom has already been at in the transporting and safe convoying of that victual, which should have been performed by the parliament of England and the hazard carried by them.

Whereas the 10 troops of horse that were appointed by the treaty to wait upon the Scottish army has all this time wanted the officers promised, and the troops themselves want saddles, pistols and other equipment necessary,

You shall therefore desire that, according to the treaty, these troops may have the officers promised set over them, and that they themselves be sufficiently furnished with all sort of equipment. You shall desire that, according to the treaty, sufficient store of powder, spades, shovels, pick axes, handrules and other materials be sent to Carrickfergus, and that a reserve of sporderines be laid up in store, and that payment be made of £2,000 per year for incident charges since the two ships that were appointed to attend for guarding the coast and clearing the passage between Scotland and Ireland were not able to do the service even whilst they were there, for in the crew supply of officers and ammunition were conveyed by the rebels. You shall desire some better course to be taken for guarding the coast from the robbers of the Irish and Dunkirk frigates that appear thereupon, according to the letter sent by the convention to the speakers of both houses.

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  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.53v-54v. Back
  3. ? Definition of this term unknown. Back
  4. NAS. PA8/1, f.55r-56r. Back
  5. DSL gives this as being erroneous for 'coche', defined as a coach. Back
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  8. NAS. PA8/1, f.56v. Back
  9. NAS. PA8/1, f.56v-57r. Back
Note of the particulars which are demanded as necessary for the better prosecuting of the service

That all disorders which come by divided and independent commands may be evicted, and that his majesty and houses of parliament may know at whose hand to crave an account of the war, you shall desire that the general may have full power over all the British in Ulster, as well formed in regiments whilst they are there as the country people.

Since the equipment of the carriage of the army in Ireland is so necessary and difficult, and that the allowance of a horse for the carriage of the victual of each 10 men will take up the whole thousand allowed for the baggage and artillery, and since there are no horse to be got in Ireland, as was expected, you shall desire that allowance be given for furnishing 400 horse for the train of artillery at 12d a day every horse, and for the pay of those who attend them, one man for every three horse at 8d a day. You shall desire that the payment to be made to the army may be agreed either to be at London or Carrickfergus in English money. And since until now what has been given has been received there, you shall desire allowance to be granted to the treasurer of that army for his bygone pains. And if it shall be thought fit hereafter to be delivered at London, that a fee be granted to the treasurer in time coming.

Seeing the troops appointed to join with that army have no maintenance at all, and so are without order and discipline, made up of the inhabitants of the country who seldom come together except at musters and cannot do service unless they be absolutely at our generals' command; and various captains of these troops have desired their charge and, as we are credibly informed, are upon service with the army at Oxford, you shall therefore desire that the pay of these troops may be engrossed with the pay of the Scottish army, and especially that of Sir Robert Adair, who has raised and maintained his troop upon his own charges, whereof you shall desire payment.

You shall likewise desire that the parliament would appoint two pinnaces or tutches for convoying diligence between them and this kingdom.

You shall show to both houses of parliament that we cannot but with great thankfulness express how affectionately the brotherly assistance was granted by them for the relief of our engagements the time of our late troubles, and how sorry we are for their great necessities hindering them to make payment of the remainder of that assistance expressed in their paper of 3 January delivered to [John Lindsay], earl of Lindsay. But in regard the remainder of the two terms' payment thereof, which was payable in 1642, is assigned to Sir William Dick [of Braid] for necessary disbursements bestowed by him for the service of the country, the non-payment whereof will hazard his credit and standing, you shall therefore desire that what is remaining of that payment to be presently paid, together with the interest, according to the aforesaid paper. And for the payment of the £110,000, if their distresses (whereof we are very aware) may not admit of the present payment thereof, we shall show them that we expect they will pay it with all possible speed in such a way as our own great burdens may not increase upon us by the interest we pay for them, so long as our own necessity will permit us to supersede the payment thereof.

You shall use all diligence to see Thomas Cunningham or his factors paid fully for the arms he has sent to this kingdom, according to the tenor of the agreement made by the parliament of England with him on that behalf.

You shall use all diligence within 10 days at most after your coming to London (where you are upon no occasions to stay any longer) to procure the answers of both houses of parliament accordingly as they will either continue or declare they will maintain our army, and to the other particulars aforesaid. And if in place of answer they resolve to send down committees, you shall earnestly desire that they come with all possible diligence and full power, instructed and warranted to treat and conclude on the particulars aforesaid, and of such other things as may concern the good of both kingdoms according to their own papers sent with the earl of Lindsay.

You shall likewise make known to them that we have received from Mr Corbett copies of the instructions sent from both houses to their committees at Scotland at his majesty's late being there. And as we thankfully acknowledge the sense they then had of the apparent disturbance of the peace of this kingdom and their care to preserve the same, which before this time was never notified to the parliament nor any judicatory of this kingdom, so have we not been wanting at this time in a reciprocal of the preservation of theirs, whereof our late commissioners in their remonstrances to his majesty of 15 January 1642 (in the Scottish style) and the lords of council and commissioners of peace by their several declarations have given ample testimonies. And if before their commissioners come to London the committees from both houses shall be upon their way toward Scotland, you shall demand that both houses would either give answer to the particulars aforesaid or send an ample commission and power to their committees to treat and conclude thereupon, and likewise concerning the remainder of the large treaty.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.52v-53v. Back
  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.53v-54v. Back
  3. ? Definition of this term unknown. Back
  4. NAS. PA8/1, f.55r-56r. Back
  5. DSL gives this as being erroneous for 'coche', defined as a coach. Back
  6. NAS. PA8/1, f.56r. Back
  7. NAS. PA8/1, f.56r-56v. Back
  8. NAS. PA8/1, f.56v. Back
  9. NAS. PA8/1, f.56v-57r. Back

Edinburgh, 17 July 1643

Letter: to the English parliament
Letter to the parliament anent [Randall MacDonnell], earl of Antrim

Right honourable,

The amity between the two nations, and the care we have to do everything which may confirm the same, as it did move the council to represent to both houses the late taking of the earl of Antrim, and the estates since to send up the depositions of the said earl and his servants, with the letter from his associates in that conspiracy, so also the said estates have now resolved upon the same ground, that, according to the desire from both houses expressed in your letter of 17 June last, order shall be given to [Alexander Leslie, earl of Leven], lord general, to deliver the person of the said earl to such as from the parliament shall have warrant to receive and convoy him to London to await his trial there; and have desired me in their name to notify your lords to be represented to both houses, whose happiness is the earnest desire of your lords' assured friend and servant. Signed thus,

[John Campbell, earl of] Loudoun. In presence of the convention.

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  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.53v-54v. Back
  3. ? Definition of this term unknown. Back
  4. NAS. PA8/1, f.55r-56r. Back
  5. DSL gives this as being erroneous for 'coche', defined as a coach. Back
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  7. NAS. PA8/1, f.56r-56v. Back
  8. NAS. PA8/1, f.56v. Back
  9. NAS. PA8/1, f.56v-57r. Back

Edinburgh, 17 July 1643

Warrant: to the lord general
Warrant to [Alexander Leslie, earl of Leven], lord general, anent [Randall MacDonnell], earl of Antrim

Forasmuch as the estates of this kingdom have received from the speakers of both houses of the parliament of England a letter of the date 27 June last, in which they desire in name of that parliament that the person of the earl of Antrim, who is now apprehended in Ireland, may be sent to them to receive trial and judgement according to the law for his accession to the Irish rebellion; and the estates of this kingdom being careful to do everything which may confirm the amity between the two kingdoms, do therefore give warrant and command to Alexander, earl of Leven, lord general, to deliver the person of the earl of Antrim to such as from the houses of parliament shall have warrant to receive and convoy him to London to receive his trial there, for the which the extract of this act shall be to his excellency the lord general a sufficient warrant. Signed thus,

[John Campbell, earl of] Loudoun, chancellor. In presence of the convention.

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  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.53v-54v. Back
  3. ? Definition of this term unknown. Back
  4. NAS. PA8/1, f.55r-56r. Back
  5. DSL gives this as being erroneous for 'coche', defined as a coach. Back
  6. NAS. PA8/1, f.56r. Back
  7. NAS. PA8/1, f.56r-56v. Back
  8. NAS. PA8/1, f.56v. Back
  9. NAS. PA8/1, f.56v-57r. Back
Act for Robert Meldrum's charges

The convention of estates ordain John Jossie to deliver to Mr Robert Meldrum [of Burghlie] the sum of £100 sterling, which is modified to him for his charges in his employment to London, and that out of the readiest of the monies being in his hands; for the which this act, with Mr Robert Meldrum's discharge, shall be to the said John Jossie sufficient warrant.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.52v-53v. Back
  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.53v-54v. Back
  3. ? Definition of this term unknown. Back
  4. NAS. PA8/1, f.55r-56r. Back
  5. DSL gives this as being erroneous for 'coche', defined as a coach. Back
  6. NAS. PA8/1, f.56r. Back
  7. NAS. PA8/1, f.56r-56v. Back
  8. NAS. PA8/1, f.56v. Back
  9. NAS. PA8/1, f.56v-57r. Back

Edinburgh, 17 July 1643

Letter: to the officers of the Scottish army in Ireland
Letter to the officers of the Scottish army in Ireland

Loving friends,

We have received your letter from the hands of Captain Gordon, Lieutenant Colonel Scott and Captain Moncrieff, who have with all instance and earnestness represented to us the hard condition and desires of that army. And being truly aware of the wants and great sufferings thereof, and willing to omit no means that may contribute to the good of that service and maintenance of the army, have therefore resolved that some considerable sum be advanced by this kingdom towards your present supply, and are thinking of the readiest way for raising thereof. And in respect that the commissioners who were promised to be sent here by the parliament of England for that purpose are not yet come, we have sent an express for a positive answer from them anent the satisfaction of what is bygone owing to the army, and how a solid course may be taken for the maintenance and payment thereof in time coming. And as the council by their letter to [Alexander Leslie, earl of Leven], lord general, and act of council of 18 August last, so also we do hereby declare that if the distractions of England be such as make the parliament remiss or fail in the performance of the articles of the treaty, that, according to our power, we shall labour to see the army furnished with victual and other necessaries, according to the treaty; and have thought fit that this be made known to you from your loving friend.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.52v-53v. Back
  2. NAS. PA8/1, f.53v-54v. Back
  3. ? Definition of this term unknown. Back
  4. NAS. PA8/1, f.55r-56r. Back
  5. DSL gives this as being erroneous for 'coche', defined as a coach. Back
  6. NAS. PA8/1, f.56r. Back
  7. NAS. PA8/1, f.56r-56v. Back
  8. NAS. PA8/1, f.56v. Back
  9. NAS. PA8/1, f.56v-57r. Back