Letter: to the king
Letter to his majesty anent the army in Ireland and pirates

Most sacred sovereign,

The great extremities of the Scottish army in Ireland through want of the pay due to them, the great and heavy burdens this kingdom lies under by the delayed payment of the remainder of the brotherly assistance due from England, and the deep sense of the dangers and troubles of religion, your majesty's person and peace of these kingdoms moved the lords of your majesty's secret council, with advice and concourse of the commissioners for the peace and common burdens, to call this convention. So has it been our chief care since our meeting to contribute our best advice and assistance for so necessary duties, and because nothing is more pressing than the necessity of the Scottish army, we have begun to take this first to our consideration, and are endeavouring by all possible means to raise monies here to supply their present wants and providing for their future maintenance until some course be taken by the houses of parliament for their satisfaction, according to the late treaty made to that effect. There is a great impediment which does hinder victual and other provisions sent to them and makes their condition the more hard, which we think fit to represent to your majesty. That there be many ships, frigates and fly-boats from Dunkirk manned with Spaniards, Irishmen and others who take, spoil, rob or burn all English or Scottish ships, torture, demean and keep captive the sailors and passengers, whereof we cannot but [...] very aware, and think it strange that since there is no war between your majesty and Dunkirk, they should in such an avowed way commit acts of so great hostility against this kingdom. And because the parliament by the articles of the treaty are obliged to guard the Irish coast with some ships for that effect, and shall from time to time render your majesty an account of our proceedings, in which we resolve to work with that integrity as may witness that nothing is so dear to us as the good of religion, your majesty's honour and safety and the peace and prosperity of your kingdoms. So praying to God to bless your majesty's long and happy reign over us, we rest. Signed thus, [John Campbell, earl of] Loudoun, chancellor. In presence of the convention.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.50r-50v. Back