Procedure: commission for equipping ships
Commission to John Kennedy for equipping two ships

The convention of estates give hereby power and commission to John Kennedy, burgess of Ayr, to proceed with all diligence to the towns of Ayr, Irvine or any other place in the west sea coast, and there to agree the best way he can with a ship and pinnace to go out against these Irish and Dunkirk frigates that do so much trouble and spoil his majesty's subjects of these kingdoms; and to do their best by all possible means in pursuing the said frigates and taking the pilots inside, and in guarding of the passage. With power likewise to the said John Kennedy to take, arrest and press any cannon or ordinances that shall be found in these bounds to put in the said ship and pinnace, if they have not sufficient of their own; and which cannon the estates declare they will be answerable for the redelivery thereof or just satisfaction for the same to the owners thereof after the service is done. And ordain the provost and bailies of Irvine and Ayr and all other magistrates to burgh and land to concur and assist the said John Kennedy in everything that may contribute to the equipping of the said ship and pinnace as they shall be required to by the said John Kennedy, who is authorised by the estates to agree for equipping of the same. And the estates declare they will see the said John Kennedy thankfully and timeously relieved and paid of what he shall agree for, disburse or give out for equipping the said ship and pinnace and maintenance thereof until they shall be discharged of the service by the convention of estates or any having power from them for that effect; and the said John to make speedy report of his proceedings to the convention.

  1. NAS. PA8/1, f.47r. Back
  2. Defined as 'a small light vessel, generally two-masted, and schooner-rigged; often in attendance on a larger vessel as a tender, scout, etc.' in OED. Back