[A1641/8/171]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Ratification in favour of Craigievar†
Our sovereign lord and estates of parliament ordain an act to be made therein to and in favour of his highness's beloved Sir William Forbes of Craigievar, knight baronet, ratifying and approving the charter made and granted by our sovereign lord the king's majesty, with advice and consent of his highness's treasurers and comptrollers principal and depute and other lords of his highness's secret council of Scotland, his highness's commissioners for the time, to the late Master William Forbes of Craigievar in liferent and to the said William, now Sir William Forbes, his eldest son, his male heirs and of tailzie contained therein in fee heritably of all and sundry the towns and lands of Fintry and others contained therein and therein particularly nominated, all thereby and of before united, annexed and incorporated in a whole and free barony called the barony of Logie Fintry upon the said late Master William and Sir William Forbes their own resignation, and the new gift and disposition therein contained thereby granted by his majesty, with consent foresaid, to the said late Master William Forbes in liferent and to the said Sir William, his son, his male heirs and of tailzie therein contained heritably of all and sundry the particular towns, lands, crofts, mills, woods, fishings, kirks, patronages, teinds and others specially and particularly contained therein by virtue of the act of dissolution underwritten made for that effect in manner mentioned in the said charter and union thereof, in a whole and free barony called the barony of Logie Fintry, then as of before, and erection of the town and lands of Halton of Fintry in a free burgh of barony, for ever to be held of our sovereign lord and his highness's successors in fee, heritage, free barony and free burgh of barony and free blench ferm in manner specified in the said charter, which is under his majesty's great seal of the date at Edinburgh, 29 April 1625, with the procuratories and instruments of resignation whereby the said lands, barony and others foresaid were resigned by the said late Master William and William, now Sir William, Forbes, in the hands of his highness's late dearest father of worthy memory and his commissioners for the time in their own favour. And also the act of dissolution made in the parliament held at Edinburgh upon 4 August 1621, whereby his majesty, with consent of the estates of parliament, dissolved from the crown and patrimony thereof and from the first act of annexation of all kirklands and kirk rents within this realm to his highness's crown and from all other annexations both specially and generally made thereto of before all and sundry the said towns, lands, kirks, patronages, teinds and others contained in the said barony of Logie Fintry and charter thereof above-written pertaining of before to the abbacy and lordship of Lindores, to the effect it might be lawful to his highness and his successors to give and convey the same to the said late Master William Forbes in liferent and to the said Sir William, his son, and his male heirs and of tailzie contained therein in fee heritably, to be held of his majesty and his successor in free barony and free blench ferm in manner specified in the said act upon the which resignation and act of dissolution the said charter proceeded, with the precept and instrument of sasine following upon the said charter, of whatsoever dates, tenors or contents the said procuratory and instrument of resignation, precept and sasine be of or bears, in all and sundry the heads, points, clauses, articles, circumstances and conditions therein contained, and after the forms and tenors thereof in all points. And our said sovereign lord and estates of parliament will, grant, decree and ordain that this present ratification is and shall be as effectual and sufficient and of as great force, strength and effect as if the said charter, procuratory and instrument of resignation and act of dissolution whereon the same proceeded, precept and sasine following thereupon were all at length word for word herein inserted and engrossed, notwithstanding the same be not so done. Concerning which, and with all other defects and imperfections that may be proposed against the same and validities thereof or this present ratification of the same, our said sovereign lord and estates of parliament has dispensed and by this ratification dispenses for ever. Given at [...].
5 October 1639
Read, voted and passed in articles.
11 November 1641
Read and approved by the committee.
This is rejected.†