[Protestation of Lord Almond against the ratification in favour of the kirk of Denny]

Protestation of [James Livingstone], lord Almond regarding Denny

We, James, lord Livingstone of Almond and Callander, in respect of a pretended reference from the late general assembly held at Edinburgh for disuniting of the chapel of Denny from Falkirk, as heritable and undoubted patron of Falkirk, Denny and Muiravonside, do protest in the contrary in respect that neither we as patron, neither as the titular of the foresaid mother kirk with the pendicles thereof were ever cited or admonished to compear either before the foresaid general assembly, either before this present honourable parliament, that we might have been heard to give in our reasonable exceptions in law against the said disunion as parties without whose consent or legally declared inexcusableness no such act can be granted in law. And further if it shall please (nevertheless of the former reason whereto still we adhere until in law it be discussed) this present parliament to proceed in disuniting the said pendicle and chapel of Denny from the foresaid mother kirk of Falkirk, we do protest that the foresaid deed tend not to the prejudice of our heritable right of patronage, neither to be extended in any sort to the burdening of us as patron and titular with any further impositions or exceptions for further augmentation of stipend upon tacks of teinds or feu duties of lands held of us lying within the said mother parish of Falkirk and chapel and pendicle of Denny etc.

  1. NAS, PA6/6, 'November 17 1641'. Back
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back