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Supplication of Lieutenant Colonel John Munro granted, putting him to liberty, 16 November 1641†
To your most excellent majesty and most honourable estates of parliament, humbly shows John Munro, lieutenant colonel, that where I have been this long time bygone prisoner in the castle of Edinburgh upon occasion of the French letter, and whereas that matter has been fully tried and what has been my part therein, I did not expect to have been so long kept prisoner after trial. And my condition is such that I am not able to endure long imprisonment without the hazard of my fortune, being but a mean gentleman. May it therefore please your sacred majesty and this supreme court to commiserate my condition and to give warrant for my liberty in the way shall be found most expedient, concerning which I expect a gracious answer.
16 November 1641
This supplication being moved in audience of his majesty and estates of parliament, they ordain the supplicant to be put to liberty.
[John Elphinstone, lord] Balmerino, in presence of the lords of parliament