[A1641/8/146]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Supplication of Master Alexander Colville, remitted to the exchequer, 16 November 1641†
To your most excellent majesty and estates of this parliament, humbly shows, I, your servant Master Alexander Colville of Blair, justice depute to your majesty, that whereas I have not only carefully attended my charge as justice depute at all diets and upon every occasion necessary at this burgh of Edinburgh, but have also to my great charges been put to continual riding and travel towards and through all the parts of this kingdom for the better trial of such crimes as fall within the compass of my office and bringing in of transgressors culpable and liable to the said crimes as is sufficiently known to many. And though the fees of my office were ever accustomed duly to be paid with the fees of the lords of the session, according to several acts of exchequer and council granted to me to that effect, and now since my return to this burgh I am necessitated to undergo many journeys throughout the kingdom upon recent information of great and atrocious murders, incest and other crimes, which are likely to be very troublesome and chargeable to me, nevertheless I have been frustrated and delayed of payment of my dues and fees since the year of God 1633, as though the fees of my office were of the nature of pensions without burden of service. Therefore I beseech your majesty and the lords and estates of parliament upon notoriety of the premises to give present order for payment of my bygone fees due to my office and for my assurance and establishment to get better payment in times coming. And your majesty and lords' answer.
16 November 1641
This supplication being moved to the king's majesty and estates of parliament, they remit the same to the exchequer.
[John Elphinstone, lord] Balmerino, in presence of the lords of parliament
[A1641/8/147]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
[Supplication of Mr James Robertson for payment of arrears]
Bill of Master James Robertson, justice depute, 16 November 1641, remitted to the exchequer†
To your most excellent majesty and estates of parliament, humbly represents and shows Master James Robertson, justice depute, that where I have since November 1626 assiduously served and been employed in the justice court in the common affairs of the country as one of your majesty's justice deputes, freely, without any fee, benefit or casualty for my service until the year 1637, at which time your majesty was pleased to grant to me a fee of £1,200 Scots money to be paid to me yearly, whereof I have got nor can get no payment at all but am still disappointed of the same, albeit the committee of estates of parliament ordained me to be answered and paid of the same for some years. Therefore humbly beseeches your majesty and estates of parliament to take to your royal and grave considerations my 15 bygone complete years' service for just nothing, and to give order that I may have payment of my four years and a half arrears of my foresaid fee due to me by my gift, and that a settled course be taken for my payment and maintenance in time coming.
And your sacred majesty's and estates of parliament's answer humbly I expect.
16 November 1641
This supplication being moved to the king's majesty and estates of parliament, they remit the same to the exchequer.
[John Elphinstone, lord] Balmerino, in presence of the lords of parliament