[A1641/8/137]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Supplication by those officers who were imprisoned at Newcastle
7 October 1641, recommended to the parliament†
My lords and others of the committee of the estates of parliament, to your lordships humbly means and shows we, your servants under-subscribing, that whereas after long and great expenses in coming from Germany to our native kingdom in May 1639, we were taken prisoners upon the coast of England near to Flamborough Head, where we lost the most part of our goods, saddles, pistols and other arms, and thereafter to Newcastle, where we remained 20 days upon our own charges, and from thence carried close prisoners to London. And there were detained near for the space of three months upon our own charges, paying the fees of the several prisons and all other expenses to our utter loss. We humbly therefore beseech your lordships to take our foresaid losses to your consideration, that we may be repaid. And your lordships' answer most humbly we attend.
At Edinburgh, 7 October 1641
The committee for the army thinks it fit to represent this supplication to the king's majesty and estates of parliament and does earnestly recommend the same as a matter deserving consideration.
[James Livingstone, lord] Almond, in presence of the lords.†
Supplication by officers that were imprisoned at Newcastle. Remitted to the committee for the common burdens, 15 November 1641.†