[The king's declaration regarding the teinds of bishops' kirks]

The king's declaration regarding the teinds of the bishops' kirks

Our sovereign lord, considering that the names and titles of bishops and bishoprics and of their chapters and dignities, such as deaneries, sub-deaneries and others of that nature, are by the acts and statutes of kirk and kingdom abolished and suppressed, and that thereby the tithes, parsonage and vicarage, and teind duties of whatsoever kirks or tithes pertaining to the said bishoprics, these chapters and dignities foresaid are become in his majesty hands and at his majesty's disposing. And his majesty being graciously pleased out of his pious and royal affection to the maintenance of the true religion and purity thereof presently established within this his majesty's ancient kingdom to take such a course with the said teinds and teind duties pertaining to the said bishoprics or to these chapters and dignities foresaid and of all teinds and kirks annexed thereto, that the same may be applied to the use and benefit of the ministers serving the cure of the said kirks and to the maintenance and supply of universities and colleges. Likewise his majesty, before his coming to this his ancient kingdom in his own royal person, sent and directed his letter to the general assembly of the kirk convened at Edinburgh in July last, whereby his majesty declared his constant purpose and resolution to employ the teinds of the said bishoprics and others foresaid to the uses above-specified. And therefore his majesty, according to his royal promise and for performance thereof, has declared and by this declaration declares that the teinds and teind duties of all and whatsoever kirks, parsonage and vicarage thereof, and teinds of whatsoever nature pertaining to the said bishoprics and chapters thereof, or to the dignities of the same such as deaneries, sub-deaneries and others of that nature, shall be applied to the maintenance of the ministry and of the universities and colleges and other pious uses and to no other use accordingly as the same shall be particularly distributed by the commissioners appointed or to be appointed by his majesty with consent of the estate of parliament for plantation of kirks. And declares all gifts granted or to be granted by his majesty to whatsoever person or persons of the foresaid teinds and teind duties or any part thereof except to the uses foresaid to be null in itself. Excepting always all gifts granted by his majesty already to whatsoever person or persons of their own teinds and to the maintenance of universities and colleges, they and every one of them being always liable to the plantation of kirks to the full quantity contained in the act made relating thereto. And his majesty is graciously pleased that this declaration be ratified and confirmed in this present parliament and the authority of his majesty and estates interposed thereto, to the effect the same may have the force of an law in all time coming.

11 November 1641

Read in audience of the nobility.

  1. NAS, PA7/2/112. Back