[Supplication of the Earl of Crawford for release from his imprisonment]

Supplication by [Ludovic Lindsay], earl of Crawford, remitted to the committee for the accommodation

To the king's majesty and honourable estates of parliament, the humble petition of Ludovic, earl of Crawford, is showing that I have been in prison now these 20 days bygone and more and since I was examined these 10 days, and seeing that I have declared the verity according to my knowledge in that matter which I conceive to be the occasion of my imprisonment, my humble petition is that I may be put to liberty upon caution to appear before the king's majesty and parliament when I shall be commanded, or that some further legal course may be taken for my trial and for the clearing of my innocency or for my punishment in case I be found guilty. And your majesty's and parliament's answer I humbly entreat and shall still pray for your majesty's happy and long reign and for the prosperous flourishing of the honourable house of parliament.

Your majesty's humble petitioner, Crawford

5 November 1641

Read in audience of his majesty and estates of parliament, who remit the supplication and desire thereof to the consideration of the committee appointed for accommodation.

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'November 5 1641'. Back
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back