[Letter to the king from Edward Chichester, viscount Chichester regarding the Irish rebellion]

Most gracious sovereign,

May it please your majesty, I have advertisement from credible persons that certain septs of the Irish of good quality in these northern parts of your majesty's kingdom of Ireland two nights last past did rise with force and have taken Charlemont, Dungannon, Tonragee and the Newry with your majesty's store there, towns all of good consequence, the furthest within 40 miles of this place, and have slain only one man, and that they are advancing nearer into these parts. And that this last night of all there have been some great fires so near as were determined from this place, and that your majesty's evil affected subjects of that nation do resort to them and add much to their number. What the intent is cannot at present be conceived, but these septs are all of the Romish religion. I have for the present given advertisement hereof throughout these parts that your majesty's good subjects may put themselves into a way for the defence and preservation of the country until further course may be taken to suppress them. I have likewise commanded your majesty's forces in these parts to be in readiness in their several garrisons to defend the place and to suppress the outrages if any shall be there attempted, and have laid the best guard that for the present can be got to preserve your majesty's store at Carrickfergus, and shall be otherwise as watchful and diligent as I may to contribute my best assistance every way to the suppressing of these tumults. This is all that at the present is done and all the certain relation I am able to give your majesty thereof, notwithstanding I have humbly thought it my duty to present these things to your majesty that in your great wisdom some course may be taken in time to curb these insolencies which otherwise may grow to a greater head. This bearer, Master Shiels, a Scotsman and one whom we conceive a loyal and true subject of your majesty, will give your majesty more particular relation of the passages. I beseech your majesty's pardon if in anything I have herein transgressed, these proceeding from the loyal heart and affections of him that ever prays for your majesty's long and prosperous reign over us in much tranquillity and happiness.

Your majesty's faithful and loyal subject and servant, Edward Chichester, Belfast, 24 October 1641

  1. NAS, PA6/5, 'October 28 and 29 1641'. Back