[A1641/8/93]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
23 October 1641
At the meeting of the committee of the parliament regarding the commission
1. Regarding the first remark, it is the opinion of the committee that the words be these, namely: 'renews and grants etc.'
2. That the narrative make only relation to the supplication given in by the general assembly in general, and that in respect thereof commission is renewed and granted with the additions and restrictions in manner after-specified.
3. That all kirks to the which, and teinds thereof, bishops had right during the time of the former commission and were not provided by the said commission to the quantity of 800 merks or 8 chalders of victual may be now supplied with the quantity foresaid, where the same may be conveniently had out of the teinds of their own parishes; or where the teinds of the parish are not sufficient of itself, out of the teinds and rents of the bishoprics whereof these are kirks.
That augmentation may be granted to all ministers whose kirks come not in to be provided by the former commission and have not the full quantity of 8 chalders of victual or 800 merks money already. And that all kirks which, and the teinds thereof, pertained to bishops at the time of the former commission and were provided to a less quantity than 8 chalders of victual or 800 merks may be now supplied with the full quantity foresaid, where the same may be had within their own parish. And where the same cannot be had in their own parish, in respect the teinds thereof in whole or in part are feued with the lands with the teinds included, and also where the ministers of any bishops' kirks were provided to any greater stipend of before and in possession of the same and were thereafter diminished in any part thereof by any preceding commission, that in either of these cases these kirks may be supplied in the quantity foresaid out of the teinds of the other kirks pertaining to the bishoprics whereof these are kirks.
And that in case the valuations already led the time of the provision of the said kirks which wanted the full maintenance as said is shall happen to be reduced upon the reasons contained in the acts of parliament and commissions foresaid and according thereto, that in that case the ministers of the said kirks shall have their supply to the full quantity foresaid according to the true valuations of the teinds or after the said reduction. And also it is declared that it shall be lawful to the ministers of the kirks which have not the full quantity of 8 chalders of victual or 800 merks to intend action against all parties having interest, to hear and see the said full quantity determined to be given to them and that upon this reason only: that they offer to prove fraud and collusion between the minister and the titulars, and that this be proven by writing or oath of party only.