[A1641/8/91]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Regarding the peace of the borders†
It is the opinion of us who were appointed to meet and consider of some way for the regulating of the disorders within the middle shires, we conceive that it is most necessary that there be a joint commission between the two kingdoms given and ratified by both parliaments.
And for the present until this commission be perfected, it is our opinions that some persons of quality that have power in the borders be authorised with a commission from the parliament of Scotland to take, apprehend and imprison such malefactors as are disturbers of the peace within this kingdom of Scotland, especially fugitives who formerly fled the kingdom and upon the disturbance between the two kingdoms being returned. And this commission to endure until the other be perfected, and these men undermentioned we think the fittest for the present.
And for the better furthering of this service Sir Richard Graham, who lies nearest upon the borders adjoining and has a part of his estate in the kingdom of Scotland and is naturalised a Scotsman, we conceive it most convenient that he be joined in this commission.
[Sir John Charteris of] Amisfield; [Sir Robert Grierson of] Lag; William Scott
20 October 1641
Read in audience of his majesty and estates of parliament, who appointed a copy thereof to be given to every estate, that they may advise on the same until tomorrow.†