[Supplication of the officers of fortune within the country for their arrears of pay]

Supplication for the soldiers of fortune within the country

To the king's most excellent majesty.

Sacred sir, we officers of fortune, being by public order ordained to command within the country and having dutifully discharged all what was incumbent to us, having long time patiently waited, yes some for the space of 20 months, some more, some less, notwithstanding of our many and several petitions given in for acquiring of our pay due to us; and lastly having jointly petitioned with all other officers to your sacred majesty and high court of parliament and finding ourselves altogether excluded out of that act given for satisfaction to all commanders belonging to the army who were in England, whereupon, being advised by [Alexander Leslie of Balgonie], general, we over again gave in a petition directed to your sacred majesty and high court of parliament only for our particular who were within the kingdom, humbly entreating that the same consideration might be had of us as of others, being of one and the same condition, able in every way to approve ourselves of equal merit according to our several stations, wherefore we think ourselves greatly postponed to them, together with much neglect far by our expectation, especially since those reformeirs who never enjoyed any charge in these employments are preferred to us and fully satisfied. Wherefore we most humbly beseech your sacred majesty to take this our estate and condition to your royal consideration, our present estate being such that we rather pass it in silence, than to divulge the same, we are fully confident that these our just grievances will find such gracious hearing and acceptance as shall return us a fruitful answer of our just demands, for which we all as in duty shall be bound to pray for your majesty's long and prosperous reign.

5 October 1641

Produced and a copy appointed to be given to every estate.

6 October 1641

Read in audience of his majesty and estates of parliament, who continue to give answer thereto until they take the same to their further consideration.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'October 6 1641'. Back
  2. Defined in DSL as one left without a command (owing to the 'reforming' or disbanding of his company), but who retained his rank and seniority and received full or half pay. Back