[A1641/8/75]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
To the king's most excellent majesty and honourable estates of parliament,
Humbly showing,
Whereas it is heavily complained upon and cried forth by diverse of his majesty's good and loyal subjects having common negotiations and affairs to go about tendering the credit and employments, partly craving common letters of horning, inhibitions, arrestments and other common affairs, others are unjustly charged with letters of horning and pursued before inferior judges and are constrained to suit remedy in law by suspensions, and advocations being the ordinary course of justice by granting dispensation for sitting of inferior courts, according to use and wont, the benefit whereof is lately denied and refused to his highness's whole lieges within this realm by the lords of council and session without any known cause to his highness's lieges. Through which justice is now altogether withheld from his majesty's lieges, traffick, commerce and handling is altogether likely to dissolve and may infer a fearful and dangerous preparative if remedy be not timeously provided thereto.
Therefore beseeches most sacred majesty and estates of parliament to have consideration of the premises and to take such summary and expedient course for remedy of the premises as the equity of the cause requires.
30 September 1641
Read in audience of his majesty and estates of parliament, who appoint every estate to have a copy hereof to be advised until tomorrow.
1 October 1641
Read in presence of the noblemen.
2 October 1641
Read in audience of his majesty and estates of parliament, who give warrant to the lords of session to do all and every duty incumbent to their charge according to use and wont, until the king and parliament signify their further pleasure relating to this. And ordains an act to be made and extracted hereupon for their warrant.
[John Elphinstone, lord] Balmerino, in presence of the lords of parliament