[A1641/8/41]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
To the king's most excellent majesty and the honourable house of parliament, I, Alexander Ramsay, son lawful of the late John Ramsay of Balnabreich, and brother to the late James Ramsay, son natural to the said late John, my father, humbly shows that where I, as brother to the said late James Ramsay, have obtained the gift of his bastardy under his majesty's hand, which gift [Sir James Carmichael], treasurer depute, and other lords of exchequer will in no way pass, complete and deliver to me without a composition be paid thereof, albeit it was intended by the honourable estates of parliament that the heirs, executors and nearest friends of such as should happen to die in the public service should be used with all kind of favour and receive all such courtesies as the king and estates might grant in their behalf. And true it is that the said late James Ramsay, my brother, was killed in the conflict at Newburn, being a trooper in the company under the commandment of Captain Graham, as is well-known to the whole commanders who were then present. Therefore it is humbly desired by me that a warrant may be granted and directed in my favour to the treasurer depute, lords of exchequer and others whom it concerns to pass, complete and deliver to me the foresaid gift already granted in my favour, and that without payment of any composition. Therefore in respect foresaid and I shall ever as bound in duty pray etc.
17 September 1641
Read in audience of his majesty and estates of parliament, who granted the desire thereof.
Alexander Gibson