[A1641/8/40]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
To his sacred majesty and honourable lords and estates of this present parliament, humbly means and shows I, your servant Master William Turnbull, minister at Makerstoun, that where the late John Turnbull of Minto, my brother, contracted sickness in the public service in the army at Newcastle, where he remained a long space and thereafter departed this life, whereby the gift of the ward of his land and marriage of John Turnbull, his eldest son, now falls in your majesty's hand, therefore I beseech your majesty and estates foresaid to give order to [Sir James Carmichael], his highness's treasurer depute, and other lords of exchequer to pass the signature presented to them which is signed by your majesty in my name of the said gift of ward and marriage of the said John Turnbull, my nephew, which is taken to his behalf of consent of his special friends. And that upon such reasonable composition as your majesty and estates foresaid shall think expedient.
17 September 1641
His majesty, with advice of the parliament, appoints the treasurer depute and lords of exchequer to pass the gift written within freely, and appoints the clerk to give the duplicate of this deliverance under his hand for their warrant.
[John Elphinstone, lord] Balmerino, in presence of the lords of parliament†