[A1641/8/35]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Supplication regarding the being free of the payment of the quots of the testaments of those who died at Dunglass
To the king's most excellent majesty and the honourable house of parliament, we, the executors of those after-named who died in the house of Dunglass by that lamentable accident of blowing up the same, humbly show that whereas some of us have already confirmed and we the rest do intend to confirm the testaments of the late Thomas [Hamilton], earl of Haddington, Robert Hamilton, his brother, Sir John Hamilton of Redhouse, Master Patrick Hamilton, son natural to the late Thomas, earl of Haddington, Alexander Cunningham, Ninian Chirnside and the late George Wauch, servant to the said late earl of Haddington, and because it was intended that the heirs and executors of such as should happen to die in the public service should be used with all kind of favour and receive all such courtesies as the king and estates might grant in their behalf, therefore it is humbly desired that a warrant may be directed to the commissioners, collectors of quots and others whom it concerns to pass and confirm the testaments of the foresaid persons or of any others who died by the overturning of the said house without payment of any quot for the same. And we shall ever as bound pray etc.
14 September 1641
Read in audience of his majesty and parliament, who find the desire thereof reasonable and therefore grant the same.
[John Elphinstone, lord] Balmerino, in presence of the lords of parliament