[Overtures for settling the differences between the lord constable and lord marischal]

Overtures for settling [Gilbert Hay, earl of Erroll], constable, and [William Keith, earl Marischal], marischal

At Edinburgh, 13 August 1641

The which day [Archibald Campbell], earl of Argyll, [John Erskine, earl of] Mar, [William Cunningham, earl of] Glencairn and [George MacKenzie, earl of] Seaforth, being appointed by the estates of parliament to compose the differences between the lords constable and marischal regarding the keeping and ordering of the house of parliament, declare their opinion as follows after, namely: that the lord constable has the charge of all the outer guards and the keys of all the utmost doors properly belonging to him, and is to have only six men within the house for opening and guarding of the great entry after the guards are set; and likewise the keys and charge of the whole house from the coming out of the parliament until the next day the guards be set and the parliament or committees enter into the house. After which time the lord marischal has the charge within the house for ordering and guarding of the same, and to this effect shall likewise have keys of all the inner rooms, which are only proper for him to make use of at his pleasure during the sitting of the parliament or committees within the house. And this we declare to be only our opinion for taking away differences without prejudice to either of the said parties to protest in case they shall find themselves not satisfied herewith.

20 August 1641

Read in audience of parliament.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 20 1641'. Back
  2. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back
  3. This clause is written on the rear of the document. Back