[A1641/8/1]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Commission to two for the sheriffdom of Berwick and two for the sheriffdom of Haddington to assist the commissioners for provision of the army in their retreat†
At Edinburgh, 19 August 1641
Forasmuch as our sovereign lord and estates of parliament, considering the necessity that the provision for the army and carriage thereof, with the carriage of ammunition, artillery and baggage, be in readiness, furnished and provided for that effect, therefore our sovereign lord and estates of parliament give and grant full power, commission and warrant to George Hepburn of Alderston and Master James Sydserf of Ruchlaw for the sheriffdom of Haddington, and to Sir John Swinton of that Ilk and John Home of Blackadder for the sheriffdom of Berwick, to authorise and assist the commissary deputes and others having charge under [Master Alexander Gibson of Durie], commissary-general, for furnishing of the army, or any of them within the sheriffdoms foresaid in the execution of their office and charges respectively for furnishing and provision of the said army, carriage of the same provision and of the ammunition, artillery and baggage belonging to the army. As also gives power and warrant to them within the sheriffdoms foresaid to give assurance in name of the public for repayment of the prices of the victual, bread, drink and other necessaries to be undertaken by the said commissaries and uplifted by them and others having charge as said is for the use of the army. Concerning which, this commission is declared to be a sufficient warrant to the four commissioners above-named and each one of them for their relief by the public of all for the which they shall give assurance in name of the public for the use of the army as said is. Subscribed by the clerk of parliament day and place foresaid.