[M1641/8/74]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The king being present.
Proclamation for riding the parliament upon Wednesday next read and approved in parliament.
It being questioned whether any lord of parliament should give place to others that are not lords of parliament at public or private meetings, it was found after voting that this question could not be determined until the parties having interest should be first cited.
It being questioned in the act and commission for plantation of kirks what sums shall be allowed to ministers, commissioners to general assemblies or other public meetings, and how the same should be imposed and uplifted, the king's majesty and parliament refers the same, both regarding the quantity of their expenses and manner of imposing the same, to the commissioners nominated in the said commission to be modified and determined by them. And also regarding the provision of churches out of the teinds of chapters, deaneries, subdeaneries etc., appoints that clause to be rectified and stand in these terms: likewise it is hereby declared that the teinds and teind duties which belonged to chapters, deaneries, subdeaneries, and others dignities of their chapters shall be liable to the provision of the kirks which are annexed thereto, according to the proportion of eight chalders of victual or 800 merks out of the teinds of the own parish only, according to the act of parliament. And the persons underwritten protested that the said clause be not prejudicial to their rights of teinds or teind duties belonging to chapters, deaneries, subdeaneries or other dignities, and thereupon asked instruments, namely: [James Hamilton], marquis of Hamilton, [George MacKenzie], earl of Seaforth, [Alexander Stewart], earl of Galloway, [James Livingstone], lord Almond, [Sir Robert Campbell], laird of Glenorchy and [Sir William Forbes of] Craigievar and Balgonie†. And the remainder of the said act, as it is appointed to be amended, read, voted and passed in parliament.
Act modifying the pain of the breakers of the Lord's day read, voted and passed in parliament.
Act regarding the superiority of lands held of collegiate kirks, provostries and prebendaries read in audience of the king's majesty and estates of parliament, who appoint a copy thereof to be given to every estate to be advised until tomorrow.
Proclamation for the down-sitting of the session upon 4 January next read, approved and superscribed.
Report of the committee appointed for taking trial of the faults and information against those who are cited to parliament read in audience of his majesty and estates of parliament, who appoint a copy thereof to be given to every estate.
Appoints a copy of the remonstrance of all the artificers of Scotland to be given to every estate to be advised until tomorrow.
Ratification of the act of relief made by the committee to the burghs read, voted and passed in parliament.
Commission for the common burdens read, voted and passed in parliament as it is amended upon the margins, and with the declaration subjoined thereto in favour of [Sir Alexander Gibson of Durie], clerk register.
Commission for receiving the brotherly assistance read, voted and passed in parliament.
Supplication by the British subjects in Ireland, craving some supply of arms and commanders, read and taken to consideration.
Supplication by Master John Guthrie, craving to be put to trial or liberty, read and taken to consideration.
Commission granted to the provost and bailies of Montrose for trying the murder of Isobel Drymmie upon the supplication of John Drymmie, her brother.
Act ratifying the proceedings of the committee read, voted and passed in parliament.
Act for common relief of those who have bound for the public read, voted and passed in parliament.
Act of exoneration and approbation of [Archibald Campbell], earl of Argyll, for the discharge of his commission granted to him by the committee of estates, read, voted and passed in parliament.
Appoints the several bodies to meet presently and also tomorrow at 7 o'clock in the morning, and the committee for ratifications tomorrow at 7 o'clock, and the parliament at 10 o'clock. And appoints the several estates to read and consider the commissions and acts concerning the public now presently at their meeting, in respect it is declared that they shall be first voted tomorrow.
Supplication by the officers of fortune who served within the country, craving that they may have full pay as the other reformeirs† of the army abroad did receive, and that some course may be taken for their payment, read in audience of his majesty and estates of parliament, who ordain them to have full pay without any deduction and as much as the like officers of the army received in England, notwithstanding of the act of the committee. And for their payment, remit them to the committee appointed for the common burdens.
And the like is done for [James Johnstone], lord Johnstone's officers upon a supplication presented by the Lord Johnstone for that effect.
Supplication by [Sir David Lindsay], laird of Edzell, craving reparation of the losses sustained by him and his tenants, being moved to the king's majesty and estates of parliament, and they now not having time to answer the same, remit the consideration of these losses to the committee for the common burdens, seeing it may be they will fall under the compass of the act of oblivion, or the parties will be found not to have paid.
Supplication by the Laird of Edzell, craving that some course may be taken for reparation of his losses and for his indemnity in time coming from the incursions and depredations of highland men, being moved in audience of his majesty and estates of parliament, and they not having now time to answer the same, remit the consideration thereof to the committee for the common burdens, seeing it may be they will fall under the compass of the act of oblivion, or the parties will be found not to have paid.
Supplication by some officers who were taken by the English ships in their coming to Scotland, craving reparation of their losses, being moved in audience of his majesty and estates of parliament, they remit the consideration thereof and what course shall be taken for refunding the supplicants' losses to the committee appointed for the common burdens.