[M1641/8/61]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The king being present.
The report from the committee nominated for considering upon the commotions of Ireland, being read in audience of his majesty and parliament, who appoint three of the barons and three of the burghs to meet with [Alexander Montgomery], earl of Eglinton at 3 o'clock after noon to take to their consideration, by way of estimation or conjecture, the number of boats or lymfads† within the parts of this kingdom lying opposite to Ireland that may be had in readiness, and what number of men may be transported therein, and to report again to the parliament. And ordains the foresaid report this day read and produced to be recorded in parliament for future memory as a testimony of their affection to his majesty's service and the good of the neighbouring kingdoms.
Supplication by the burgh of Perth, craving some course to be taken and supply to be granted for re-edifying their bridge, read in audience of his majesty and parliament, who nominate [George Hay], earl of Kinnoull, [John Drummond, earl of] Perth and [Mungo Murray], viscount of Stormont for the nobility; [Sir Gilbert Ramsay], laird of Balmain, [Sir John Moncreiffe of] Moncreiffe and [Sir Thomas Myreton of] Cambo for the gentry; [James Cochrane and Richard Maxwell], the commissioners of Edinburgh, [Patrick Leslie, commissioner for] Aberdeen and [James Sword, commissioner for] St Andrews for the burghs, to think upon the best propositions and overtures for satisfying the desire of the supplication and to report again to the parliament.
The act regarding the change of the terms being read, together with the reasons produced by the burghs against the same, and the said act, notwithstanding of the said reasons, is read, voted and passed in parliament.
Supplication by David Curror and others against [Sir Alexander Fraser], laird of Philorth remitted to the committee for the bills.
Ratification of Master David Drummond, his presentation to the church of Crieff, read and appointed to be shown to [Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall], king's advocate.
Appoints the committee for the church to meet after noon, and the several estates tomorrow at 8 o'clock, and the parliament at 10 o'clock.