[M1641/8/56]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The king being present.
His majesty produced a letter directed to the privy council from [William II], Prince of Orange, recommending some officers for obtaining recruits to their regiments, which being read in French in audience of his majesty and parliament, they appoint the same to be translated into the Scots language and a copy thereof delivered to every estate.
Supplication by Gratiane Butler, spouse to Colonel [John] Cochrane, showing that she is a stranger and has been long absent, therefore desiring to have access to her husband, read in audience of his majesty and estates of parliament, who continue to give answer thereto until tomorrow.
Propositions or overtures from the committee appointed for regulating the disorders of the middle shires read in audience of his majesty and estates of parliament, who appoint a copy thereof to be given to every estate that they may think upon the same until tomorrow.
Supplication by [Ludovic Lindsay], earl of Crawford, desiring hearing or liberty upon caution for his compearance, read in audience of his majesty and parliament, who give permission to Master Thomas Nicolson to speak to the said earl in presence of James Murray, elder or younger, and thereafter, upon representation from Master Thomas of the names of persons with whom the said earl desires to speak, they will take to their consideration what persons they will allow to speak with him. And also permit Robert Fletcher of Bonshaw, [Alexander Lindsay], lord Spynie and [Sir Alexander Erskine], laird of Dun to speak to him regarding private business in audience of the said James Murray, elder or younger, the Laird of Dun being present whensoever the Lord Spynie shall speak regarding the business concerning the late Colonel Lindsay.
His majesty having proposed the state of the question to the parliament in these terms: if upon his majesty's desire they will admit or refuse this demand for a public trial of the late 'Incident' since it is lawful and ordinary, yes or no, the copy thereof is appointed to be given to every estate to be advised upon until tomorrow. And also [John Campbell, lord Loudoun], lord chancellor, moved that Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Stewart might be examined before the three estates convened together extrajudicially, before the parliament should determine whether the trial should be in audience of parliament or by a committee. And the estates also promised to take the said motion to consideration until tomorrow.
Appoints the parliament to meet tomorrow at 9 o'clock before noon, and the several estates apart this afternoon at 3 o'clock, and tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock.