[Supplication read and party ordered to be imprisoned; committee appointed to meet with the lord general regarding the confluence of people to Edinburgh]

The king being present.

Supplication by Colonel [John] Cochrane, showing the manner and reasons of his conveyance and stay from John Smith [of Grotehill's] house and offering to go thither upon warrant for his reception, and to underlie all trial of what is laid to his charge, read in audience of his majesty and parliament, who command the said Colonel Cochrane to be imprisoned within the tolbooth of Edinburgh.

[Alexander Leslie of Balgonie], lord general, being called before his majesty and parliament, together with the provost of Edinburgh, it was recommended to the general to advise and set down some solid course for preventing any prejudice which may arise by the confluence of people to the town and their frequent repair upon the streets thereof and that all proceedings may be peaceable and regular. And for that effect appoints [John Campbell, lord Loudoun], lord chancellor, [William Kerr], earl of Lothian, [James Livingstone], lord Almond for the nobility; [Sir Alexander Erskine], laird of Dun, [Sir Thomas Myreton of] Cambo and [Sir James Sinclair of] Murkle for the gentry; James Cochrane, [commissioner for Edinburgh], [Patrick Leslie], the commissioner of Aberdeen and [Patrick Bell, commissioner for] Glasgow to meet with the general in his house this afternoon at 2 o'clock.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'October 5 1641', f.1(b) v. Back
[Petition of General Ruthven read and remitted to each estate; dispensations for holding justice courts granted; continuation]

[Alexander Leslie, earl of Leven], lord general, exhibited a petition from General [Patrick] Ruthven, late governor of the castle of Edinburgh, desiring his majesty's and parliament's gracious favour and forgiveness, which was read in audience of his majesty and parliament, who appoint a duplicate thereof to be given to every estate and the act of parliament for his forfeiture to be produced.

Dispensation granted to the sheriff of Ayr to hold courts for actions and service of brieves.

Dispensation granted to the provost and bailies of Glasgow to hold courts for actions and service of brieves.

Appoints the parliament to meet tomorrow at 9 o'clock.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'October 5 1641', f.1(b) v. Back