[M1641/8/35]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The king being present.
Supplication by [Sir George Ogilvie], laird of Banff, craving warrant to advocates to compear for him in defence of the complaint given in against him by the ministers of the north, read in audience of his majesty and parliament, who appoint a copy thereof to be given to every estate.
Supplication by William Cunningham of Polton against [Alexander Stewart], earl of Galloway read in audience of his majesty and estates of parliament, together with the answers made thereto by the said earl, personally present. The king's majesty, with advice of the estates of parliament, appoints the duplicate of the said answers to be given to the supplicant to be answered, and in the meantime assigns Tuesday next to summon such witnesses as are in town for proving of the complaint, and assigns 7 October for such witnesses as are not in town for proving the said complaint, without prejudice to the said earl of his defences in the cause and objections against the witnesses.
Warrant granted to the bailie of Leith to suffer William Douglas, son to [William Douglas], earl of Morton, with his servants and trunks, newly come from London, to come to shore.
Regarding the diligence of witnesses at the instance of the town of Wigtown against [Alexander Stewart], earl of Galloway, the king's majesty, with advice of the estates of parliament, gives commission to the persons underwritten for examination of the witnesses and to report to the parliament, namely: [George MacKenzie], earl of Seaforth, [David Carnegie, earl of] Southesk, [Alexander Elphinstone], lord Elphinstone and [Robert Balfour, lord Balfour of] Burleigh for the nobility; [Sir Thomas Ruthven], laird of Freeland, [Sir Gilbert Ramsay of] Balmain, [Hugh Campbell of] Cessnock, [Sir John Moncreiffe of] Moncreiffe for the gentry; [Patrick Leslie], the commissioner of Aberdeen, [John Semple of Stainflett, commissioner for] Dumbarton, [Master Robert Barclay, commissioner for] Irvine and [Master Alexander Douglas of Downies, commissioner for] Banff for the burghs. And the Earl of Galloway promised to produce his diligence and witnesses before the committee.
Petition by Lieutenant Colonel John Munro, desiring to be put to liberty, read in audience of his majesty and parliament, who appoint [John Kennedy], earl of Cassilis, [John Lindsay], lord Lindsay†, [John Sinclair, lord] Sinclair and [Robert Balfour, lord Balfour of] Burleigh to take inspection of the supplicant's deposition, and to call Sir Donald Gorme before them and examine him upon all interrogatories necessary, and thereafter to report to the parliament, that some course may be taken for the petitioner's liberty.
Appoints [Alexander Montgomery], earl of Eglinton in place of [John Kennedy], earl of Cassilis, [William Rigg], laird of Aithernie for [Sir Robert Innes], laird of Innes, [John Semple of Stainflett], the commissioner of Dumbarton for [Master Robert Barclay, commissioner for] Irvine, to examine the commissioners of the burghs.
Supplication by Janet Corsbie craving that her husband and son may be transported from Dumfries to Edinburgh to receive their trial there for an alleged slaughter.