[Act discharging the exchequer to pass any gift of bishops' lands etc. remitted to the king; overtures from the kirk]

The king being present.

Act presented by the commissioners from the assembly for discharging the exchequer to pass any gift of bishops' lands, rents etc. being read, the said commissioners were directed to attend his majesty and expect his royal answer relating thereto.

Overtures from the kirk appointed to be considered by the estate until tomorrow.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 24 1641', f.1(a) r. Back
[Report from the committee for the distressed ministers in the north read; addition to membership; committee for the creditors of the Earl of Stirling and Lord Alexander appointed]

The report of the committee for the distressed ministers of the north being read, and especially regarding Master Joseph Brodie, the king's majesty and estates of parliament appoint the committee for the north to meet and treat upon the most convenient course for securing the ministers and quieting the country, and adjoins [James Ogilvie], earl of Findlater, [Sir Robert Innes], laird of Innes and [Thomas MacCulloch], commissioner for Tain, to the former committee, to meet tomorrow at 2 o'clock after noon.

Regarding the remonstrance made by the creditors of [William Alexander], earl of Stirling and Lord Alexander, craving that inferior judges may be discharged to proceed in any actions pursued before them at the instance of any of their creditors against the heirs or executors of the said Earl of Stirling and Lord Alexander, appoints a committee to meet and think thereupon; and for that effect nominates [John Maitland], earl of Lauderdale and [David Carnegie, earl of] Southesk for the nobility, [William Rigg], laird of Aithernie and [Sir Thomas Myreton of] Cambo for the barons, [Master Robert Barclay], commissioner for Irvine, and [John Semple of Stainflett, commissioner for] Dumbarton for the burghs.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 24 1641', f.1(a) r. Back
[Exoneration of the carriage of the shire and burgh commissioners in the treaty negotiations granted; continuation]

The report of the committee appointed for examining the barons' and burghs' commissioners upon their carriage in their commission for the treaty being read in audience of his majesty and parliament, they granted exoneration and approbation to [Sir Patrick Hepburn], laird of Waughton and [William Drummond of] Riccarton for the last year's employment, to Master Robert Barclay for the first year's employment and to [Sir William Douglas of Cavers], sheriff of Teviotdale, for both years' employment, and appoint several acts to be drawn up relating thereto. And for the burghs appoint the committee to meet thereupon this night after the rising of the parliament.

The parliament to meet at 3 o'clock after noon for bills.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 24 1641', f.1(a) r. Back