[M1641/8/25]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The king being present.
Supplication by General Major Munro, for himself and the officers of his regiment, craving payment of bygone arrears before they disband, read in audience of his majesty and parliament, who, having taken the same into their consideration, both for General Major Munro's regiment and for the other regiments which stayed within the country, therefore grant commission to the persons underwritten to fit the account of the regiments which went not out of the country, and that only during the sitting of this parliament, namely: [Archibald Douglas], lord Angus, [John Maitland], lord Maitland, [James Carnegie], lord Carnegie, [David Wemyss], lord Elcho for the nobility; [Sir John Hamilton of] Barganie, [John Crawford of] Kilbirnie, [Sir James Campbell of] Lawers, Sir Patrick Murray [of Elibank], in absence of [Sir William Muir of] Rowallan, for the gentry; Edward Edgar, John Binning, Master Alexander Wedderburn, Hugh Kennedy for the burghs, or any seven of the whole number.
The parliament appoints the three regiments of foot and regiment of horse, which is kept upon foot as the residue of the army, to be disbanded and for that effect signified the same to [James Livingstone, lord Almond], lieutenant general, that he may show the same to [Alexander Leslie of Balgonie], general.
Appoints the estates to meet apart at 2 o'clock and the committee for the army and other committees at 4 o'clock.
Appoints the duplicate of the propositions exhibited by the committee for the army to be given to every estate that they may be advised thereupon.
Appoints the committee for the bills to meet at 4 o'clock, and to put all the supplications in order and to express their own judgement thereupon, to be represented to the parliament.
Supplication by Robert Pringle of Stichill, craving general letters for collecting the customs according to his gift, read, and a duplicate appointed to be given to every estate.
Supplication by Master John Drummond, commissary of Perth, desiring to be liberated of the maintenance of Helen Moyes, or that course may be taken for her trial, read and the commission formerly granted by the committee of estates for trying and punishing her to be renewed.
Overtures for the peace of the north appointed to be considered by every estate at their first meeting.
Supplication by [Sir Patrick Hepburn], laird of Waughton, craving liberty to lead his own teinds upon caution, appointed to be shown to Master James Raith [of Edmonston].