[M1641/8/21]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The king being present.
Ratification of Master David Dickson's transportation to Glasgow, and of a profession of divinity in that college, read and continued until the burghs be satisfied with some clauses thereof.
Supplication by some distressed ministers in the north, craving that order may be given for reparation of their losses and safe return to their countries for discharge of their calling, read and the ministers appointed to condescend upon some fitting persons to whom a commission may be granted for the effect above-written.
Act against monuments of idolatry read, voted and passed in parliament.
Act against non-communicants and excommunicated persons read, voted and passed in parliament as it stands.
The ministers of the north within mentioned nominate [James Ogilvie], earl of Findlater, [Alexander Forbes], lord Forbes and [Andrew Fraser, lord] Fraser, [Sir William Forbes], laird of Craigievar, [John Forbes of] Leslie and [Sir Alexander Abercrombie of] Birkenbog, [Patrick Leslie], the commissioner of Aberdeen, [Master Alexander Douglas of Downies, commissioner for] Banff and [James Rose of Merkinsche, commissioner for] Inverness, whom his majesty, with advice of the estates, nominates as a committee; with power to them, or any five of them, to hear and try the loss sustained by the supplicants and such overtures as can be thought upon for reparation thereof and for their safe dwelling and returning home, which they shall hear and report to the parliament but not to conclude.
Regarding the proposition made by [John Elphinstone, lord Balmerino], lord president, that a course may be taken for a committee to hear the accounts of commissaries, appoints a memorandum to be given to every estate.
Regarding the commission for manufactories the estates nominate as follows, namely: for the noblemen, [Robert Ker], earl of Roxburghe, [John Maitland, earl of] Lauderdale, [David Carnegie, earl of] Southesk, [John Hay], lord Yester, [Robert Balfour, lord Balfour of] Burleigh and [John Cranston, lord] Cranston; for the barons [William Rigg of] Aithernie, [Robert Pringle of] Stichill, [Sir Robert Adair of] Kinhilt, [Sir William Forbes of] Craigievar, [Sir Duncan Campbell of] Auchinbreck and [Sir James Sinclair of] Murkle; for the burghs [James Cochrane and Richard Maxwell], the commissioners of Edinburgh, [James Fletcher, commissioner for] Dundee, [Patrick Leslie, commissioner for] Aberdeen, [Patrick Bell, commissioner for] Glasgow, [James Sword, commissioner for] St Andrews and [John Osborne, commissioner for] Ayr, or any three of every estate, with [Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall], king's advocate, for his majesty's interest.
[Robert Ker], earl of Roxburghe declared that he had caused present an act for dismembering the baronies of Neither Ancrum, Lilliesleaf and [Eskirk] from the regality of Glasgow, to the effect that citations or hornings might be executed against the inhabitants of the said baronies at the cross of Ancrum, which he had done only for the ease of the said inhabitants and for their special benefit in respect of the distance of their dwelling from Glasgow. And now, seeing some of them did not so well conceive the same and did not acquiesce to that act, he passed from the said act and would not further urge the same.
Overtures for suppressing of broken men read in audience of his majesty and estates, who appoint a duplicate thereof to be given to every estate and also to [Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall], king's advocate, that they may be advised relating thereto.
[Alexander Stewart], earl of Galloway desired the king and estates to command advocates to plead for him against the burgh of Wigtown in respect of his weakness, which impedes him to speak for himself. The parliament continues to give answer to that desire until they hear the business and complaints.
Act regarding the bullion read, voted and passed in parliament.
Appoints the parliament to meet after noon upon the bills.
After noon, for petitions
[M1641/8/22]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The king being present.
Supplication by [John Leslie], earl of Rothes and other partners of Captain [David] Robertson's ship, craving that they may have letters of reprisal against the Hamburgers or that course may be taken for reparation of their losses, appoints a copy thereof to be given to every estate and another thereof to [Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall], his majesty's advocate, to be docketed and presented to his majesty, to whom in all humility the parliament recommends the consideration of the said petition.
Supplication by the sheriff of Moray continued, that [John Gordon], earl of Sutherland and other friends may labour to settle the business amicably.
Regarding the supplication presented by [Sir William Cockburn], laird of Langton concerning his answers to the petition exhibited by [William Hamilton], earl of Lanark in the name of James Maxwell, appoints a duplicate thereof to be given to the Earl of Lanark and another to [John Fleming], earl of Wigtown that they may be advised therewith. And the Laird of Langton asked instruments that he was debarred violently from possession and protested that the same might not be prejudicial to his right, according to the protestation given be him in writing.
Supplication and complaint by the town of Wigtown against [Alexander Stewart], earl of Galloway regarding some wrongs allegedly done to them by the said noble earl read in audience of his majesty and parliament, together with his answer made thereto and replies made by the said town. The parliament appoints letters to be directed at the instance of either party to summon witnesses to compear before the parliament to be examined upon what shall be admitted to either parties' probation, either of the petition and reply for the pursuer or defences for the defender, and that upon their own peril without prejudice to both parties of their reasons why no witnesses can be examined upon these points or why they are not relevant, and also without prejudice of the objections against the witnesses. And assigns 23 [September] mutually for that effect.
Supplication by MacCulloch of Merton complaining upon wrongs done by the Earl of Galloway, together with the answers produced against the same, being read in audience of his majesty and parliament, they appoint witnesses to be examined on either side without prejudice and upon the conditions as above. And assigns the said 23 [September] mutually for that effect.
Another supplication by Merton complaining upon further wrongs done by the Earl of Galloway being read, appoints the Earl of Galloway to have a duplicate thereof, that he may give answer thereto in writing. Which being produced, appoints letters to be directed for summoning witnesses on either side as upon the other supplications, and to the same day.
Supplication by the Laird of Alter, desiring some course to be taken for relief of his engagement for Master John Maxwell, read in audience of his majesty and parliament, who supersedes to give answer thereto until the conclusion of Master John Maxwell's trial and process.
Supplication by the Laird of Harthill against Adam Abercrombie read and the committee of the bills are appointed to examine the reasons of the suspension raised for the sums arrested and to hear the parties thereupon and to report.
Supplication by Edward Pearson, Englishman, craving recompense for his favour to the army, remitted to be considered by [William Kerr], earl of Lothian, [Master Adam Hepburn of] Humbie, James Sword, [Master Alexander Gibson of Durie], commissary-general, or any three of them, and to report to the parliament.
Regarding the supplication presented by Paul Dog, complaining upon David Dog for cutting of a mill dam, [John Erskine], earl of Mar and [Alexander Elphinstone], lord Elphinstone promised to settle the same.
Supplication by Dunbar of Westfield against Dunbar of Burgie committed to [John Gordon], earl of Sutherland and [Archibald Campbell, earl of] Argyll to travail for settling thereof.
Supplication by Master Roderick MacLeod against [George Gordon], marquis of Huntly for detention of some part of his stipend read. The Earl of Argyll promised to speak to the Marquis of Huntly to take order relating thereto.
Supplication by [John Gordon], laird of Haddo craving a protection, with another from [Andrew Fraser], lord Fraser in the contrary, read. It was offered by the Lord Fraser that he would consent to the protection in case Haddo will find caution not to go out of this town until he answered the summons raised against him by the estates and made payment to the said Lord Fraser of what shall be found due to him. Memorandum: the Lord Fraser's supplication, with the testament of Master James Stalker produced therewith, redelivered to the said Lord Fraser. [William Keith], earl Marischal to acquaint Haddo herewith that he may advise thereupon.