[Remonstrance in favour of the Prince Elector Palatine read; act approved; act regarding the bullion remitted to the burghs]

The king being present.

Remonstrance to his majesty by the estates regarding [Charles Louis], Prince Elector [Palatine] read in audience of his majesty, who was graciously pleased to answer that he will give order that no Scots soldier shall be shipped or have passage at Berwick, Workington, Whitehaven, Newcastle or any other seaport in England during the time foresaid. And according to the said remonstrance an act being read discharging all levies or recruits of soldiers until the answer from Ratisbonne regarding the Prince Elector, at the least until 1 April next, read, voted and passed in parliament and touched with the sceptre.

Act regarding the bullion read and given to be advised by the burghs.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 3 1641', f.1(a) r-1(a) v. Back
[Supplication read and committee for the disorders in the north ordered to meet; continuation]

Supplication by the commissioners from the assembly regarding the disorders in the north read in audience of the parliament, which appoints the committee appointed for that effect to meet thereupon and condescend upon the names of persons in each shire who are most able to redress the same.

The estates of parliament for important business appoint every estate to meet together this afternoon and also upon Monday morning at the accustomed hour and place, and that they may all meet together in parliament upon Monday at 9 o'clock.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'September 3 1641', f.1(a) r-1(a) v. Back