[Publication of the acts of June 1640; act read and approved]

The king being present.

Regarding the publication of the acts of parliament, the king's majesty and estates of parliament ordain the act subscribed by the king and [John Elphinstone, lord Balmerino], president, commanding the clerk to cause publish and print the acts dated in June 1640 to be first published and then the said whole acts verbatim as they stand, without addition or change of a word.

Act discharging unlawful marriages without the kingdom read, voted and passed in parliament.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 28 1641', f.4(a) v-4(b) r. Back
[Acts read and remitted to each estate; acts read and continued]

Act for punishing those who destroy dyking and planting read in audience of his majesty and estates of parliament, and a copy appointed to be given to every estate that they may be advised therewith.

Act regarding plaiding, linen cloth and yarn read and continued until tomorrow.

Act regarding the immunity of members of parliament read and continued until tomorrow, that the burghs may be advised therewith.

Act appointing citations against them of Lilliesleaf, Ancrum etc. to be at the cross of Nether Ancrum read and given to [Sir Walter Stewart of] Minto for [James Stewart], duke of Lennox, to be advised until tomorrow.

Act regarding the loyal packing of herring read and appointed to be shown to any of the estates who desire the same.

Act regarding armouries read and continued to be advised until tomorrow.

Act regarding the fineness of silver and gold work read and appointed to be shown to every estate.

Act exempting vicarage assigned and provided to ministers for a part of their stipend from taxation read and appointed to be shown to [Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall], advocate.

Act for abolishing monuments of idolatry read and [Archibald Johnston of Wariston], clerk of the assembly, appointed to condescend upon the particulars.

Act regarding gifts of escheat upon horning after excommunication read and appointed to be shown to the advocate.

Act discharging suspensions of ministers' stipends read and continued until tomorrow.

Act discharging all patronages of papists and non-covenanters read and continued to be advised until tomorrow.

Act regarding the barons casting lots for places in parliament read and continued until tomorrow.

  1. NAS, PA6/4, 'August 28 1641', f.4(a) v-4(b) r. Back