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The king being present.
His majesty produced a manifesto printed and emitted in his majesty's name in favour of [Charles Louis], Prince Elector Palatine and desired by the parliament of England to be recommended to the parliament of Scotland. And his majesty desired that the parliament would take the same to their consideration to cause print the same with their concurrence and approbation. The said manifesto being publicly read, the parliament appoints every estate to take the same to their consideration, that they may be ready to give their answer tomorrow.
Petition by the eldest sons of noblemen, desiring liberty to sit in the house of parliament to hear the proceedings thereof, being publicly read in parliament, whereupon [Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall], king's advocate, at his majesty's command, asked instruments.
Petition by Sir John Hay [of Bara], craving liberty of the castle, read in parliament and granted.
Overtures for the commissariats read in audience of the parliament, which appoints a duplicate hereof to be given to every estate that they may be advised therewith.
[Alexander Stewart], earl of Galloway declared that, according to his commission, he had apprehended Thomas MacKie and should exhibit him before the parliament tomorrow.
Overtures from the general assembly for universities and schools read in parliament. Item, some overtures regarding ministers. And appoints every estate to have the duplicate thereof, that they may be advised therewith. And if any of them concern his majesty more particularly, that the note thereof be delivered to [Sir Thomas Hope of Craighall], king's advocate.
Appoints the committee for revising the articles to meet after noon in the lower exchequer house.
Overtures for pacification of the north read in audience of the parliament, which appoints the duplicate thereof to be given to every estate that they may be advised thereupon.
The parliament gives liberty to [Sir David Home], laird of Wedderburn to go to the army and dispenses with his absence until Tuesday next at night.
Appoints the proclamation made by the committee for the army to be published.
Appoints every estate to nominate those whom they will appoint for revising the registers.
The proclamation for dispensing with the sitting of inferior judicatories to 1 September read in audience of parliament and approved and appointed to be published.
Overtures for settling the differences between [Gilbert Hay, earl of Erroll], constable, and [William Keith, earl Marischal], marischal, read, and continued until tomorrow.
Appoints the committee for the plotters to meet after noon.
The answers by [William Keith], earl Marischal to the macers' bill read in audience of parliament, together with two acts of council likewise produced for the Earl Marischal, which appoints the macers to see until tomorrow and to produce their answers in writing.
Appoints every estate to think upon the committee for the accounts and to give in their thoughts in writing.
[Sir Alexander Erskine], laird of Dun desired liberty for three days' absence, for the which the parliament remits him to the barons.
The estates excuse [Robert Balfour], lord [Balfour of] Burleigh's absence until Monday come eight days, being 30 [August].