[1641/8/520]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
In the parliament held at Edinburgh, 17 November 1641, the which day Patrick Whitelaw, now of Whitelaw, compeared personally in open and plain parliament in presence of the king's majesty and estates of parliament and protested that the ratification granted by the king's majesty and estates foresaid of the date hereof in favour of Margaret Stewart, daughter lawful to the late Hercules Stewart, brother to the late Francis [Stewart], sometime earl of Bothwell, procreated between him and late Dame Mary Whitelaw, his spouse, of the letters of rehabilitation granted by the king's majesty to the said Margaret Stewart, whereby his majesty, with consent specified therein, of his highness's grace and clemency, rehabilitated and reintegrated the said Margaret Stewart to her good fame and to all whereof she was deprived and prejudiced by the forfeiture given and pronounced against her said late father, and restored her to his highness's favour and grace against the said sentence with all that had followed or might follow thereupon, and to all lands, heritages, tacks, steadings, rooms, possessions, teinds, actions, goods and gear whatsoever pertaining or which might pertain or in any way be competent to her before or since the said forfeiture, according to the said letter of rehabilitation granted regarding this, dated 27 July 1633, together with the said Margaret, her service and retour as nearest and lawful heir to her said late mother, dated 13 April 1636, as the foresaid act of ratification in the self more fully purports, should be always without prejudice to the said Patrick Whitelaw, his heirs, assignees or successors regarding his and their infeftments, comprisings, dispositions, renunciations, discharges of reversions and other rights and securities whatsoever made and granted to the said Patrick Whitelaw and his foresaids, of the lands of Whitelaw, with the houses, buildings, yards and whole pertinents thereof or in any way lawfully purchased and acquired by the said Patrick Whitelaw or his foresaids thereof, and that the same rights so granted to the said Patrick Whitelaw and his foresaids, lawfully purchased and acquired by them as said is, be in no way prejudiced, hurt nor impaired by the foresaid rehabilitation, service and retour above-written nor by the ratification thereof above-mentioned, but that the foresaid rights shall remain in the full force, vigour and strength thereof, notwithstanding of the said rehabilitation, service and retour above-specified and ratification thereof above-mentioned, and unprejudiced thereby in any sort; and hereupon the said Patrick Whitelaw asked act and instruments.