[1641/8/502]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
The which day, Doctor John Strang, principal of the College of Glasgow, personally present in presence of the king's majesty and estates of parliament, for himself and in name and on behalf of the professors, regents and other masters and members of the University and College of Glasgow, protested for himself and in name and on behalf foresaid that the ratification granted by the king's majesty and estates of parliament of the date hereof in favour of the burgh of Glasgow and of the provost, bailies, council and community of the said burgh of the signature, gift and mortification granted to them by the king's majesty of the teinds, parsonage and vicarage, of Glasgow and other teinds, parsonage and vicarage, of the other kirks pertaining to the spirituality of the bishopric of Glasgow, and that for the maintenance of a minister in the High Church of Glasgow to serve the cure in place of the archbishop of Glasgow, and for repairing and upholding of the fabric of the kirk thereof and other causes contained in the said signature, as the same and ratification thereof foresaid more fully purport and bear, should be always without prejudice to the said University and College of Glasgow, and to the said principal, professors, regents and other masters and members thereof regarding their rights, liberties, privileges and immunities granted and pertaining to the said University and College, and to the principal, professors, regents and other masters and members of the same college and regarding their rights and possession of all lands, superiorities, teinds, rents and other duties and casualties whatsoever pertaining or in any way belonging to the said college, and that the same right, privileges, liberties and immunities of the lands, superiorities, teinds, rents and other duties and casualties whatsoever granted and pertaining respectively to the said college, with the rights, infeftments and securities of the same, be in no way prejudiced, hurt nor impaired by the foresaid signature, gift and mortification granted in favour of the burgh of Glasgow, provost, bailies, council and community of the same, of the spirituality and teinds of the said archbishopric of Glasgow, nor by the ratification thereof above-mentioned; and hereupon the said Doctor John Strang, personally present, for himself and in name and on behalf foresaid, asked act and instruments.