[1641/8/493]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
In presence of the king's majesty and estates of parliament compeared Robert Hepburn, advocate, as procurator for and in name and on behalf of George, earl of Kinnoull, and protested that this declaration following, namely: 'It is hereby expressly provided and ordained that the rehabilitation granted by our sovereign lord to and in favour of Patrick Ruthven, brother to the late John [Ruthven], sometime earl of Gowrie, with the ratification of the parliament interposed thereto, shall be in no way hurtful nor prejudicial to the said George, earl of Kinnoull and Sir James MacGill of Cranstoun-Riddel, knight, one of the senators of the college of justice, of their rights and possession of the lands of Cousland, teinds and whole pertinents thereof, and of a lodging and dwelling house in the town of Perth, but that notwithstanding of the rehabilitation and ratification and reduction of the act of parliament in the year 1600 the said Earl of Kinnoull and Cranstoun-Riddel, their heirs and successors shall hold and possess the said lodging and dwelling house in Perth, and the said lands of Cousland, whole teinds and pertinents thereof, according to their rights, security and possession, which the said Patrick Ruthven, his heirs or successors shall never be heard to quarrel or impinge in any sort' might be inserted in the foresaid ratification granted in favour of the said Patrick Ruthven. Which declaration foresaid his majesty and estates of parliament ordained to be inserted in the said Patrick Ruthven's ratification, which was accordingly done; whereupon the said Robert Hepburn, in name of the said Earl of Kinnoull and Cranstoun-Riddel, asked instruments.