Protestation for [Francis Scott], earl of Buccleuch and [Thomas Hamilton, earl of] Haddington and Sir Gideon Baillie of Lochend against Francis Stewart's ratification

In presence of the king's majesty and estates of parliament compeared Master James Scott, as procurator for and in name of the earl of Buccleuch, and Robert Hepburn, advocate, as procurator for and in name and on behalf of Thomas, earl of Haddington and Sir Gideon Baillie of Lochend, and protested that the ratification granted in this present parliament in favour of Francis Stewart of the decreet arbitral given by the king's majesty between [Walter Scott], late earl of Buccleuch and the said Francis Stewart should be in no way prejudicial to the rights, infeftments and others granted to the said Earls of Buccleuch and Haddington and to the said Sir Gideon Baillie of Lochend, or to their predecessors or authors of the lands, teinds and others mentioned in the said in the same infeftments and rights; and thereupon the said Master James Scott and Robert Hepburn, in name and on behalf respectively foresaid, asked instruments.

  1. NAS, PA2/22, f.357r. Back