[1641/8/461]*[print] [email] [cite] [preceding] [following]
Our sovereign lord, with advice and consent of the estates of this present parliament, by this legislation, ratifies and approves the letter patent under the great seal of the date 26 August 1641, regarding the testimonial of the genealogy of William Scott, president and councillor of the estates of Holland in Brazil, Everard Scott, resident in Amsterdam, and of James Scott, indweller in Rowan, testifying them to be lawful sons to James Scott, indweller in Harlem in Holland, and grandsons to James Scott, indweller in Delft in Holland, and that their grandfather was one of the lawful sons of Patrick Scott of Monnie, lawfully procreated between him and the late Katherine Drummond, lawful daughter to the Laird of Balloch, which John Scott had an elder brother called Master Patrick Scott of Monnie, in all and sundry points, articles and clauses contained therein; and declares and ordains that this present ratification shall be as valid and sufficient in all respects as if the same were at length inserted herein word for word. And likewise his majesty, with consent foresaid, declares and ordains the foresaid letters patent, testimonials regarding the genealogy of the said William Scott and his brethren, together with this present ratification thereof, shall be as valid, lawful and sufficient to all effects to the said William Scott and to his said brother-german, and to their children and posterity, as if the said William and his said brethren and their said late father and grandfather had all been born in Scotland.